Gas Properties Modular Homework Activity A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

Title Gas Properties Modular Homework Activity
Description This activity has 5 modules: - Explore the Simulation - Kinetic Energy and Speed - Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases - Relationships between Gas Variables - Pressure and Mixtures of Gases After exploring the simulation, students can do the other modules in any order.
Subject Chemistry
Level Undergrad - Intro
Type Homework
Duration 90 minutes
Answers Included No
Language English
Keywords gas properties, gases, kinetic molecular theory, pressure
Simulation(s) Gas Properties (HTML5), Gas Properties

Author(s) Julia Chamberlain, Ingrid Ulbrich
Contact Email
School / Organization PhET and University of Colorado Boulder
Date submitted 5/6/13
Date updated 8/13/19