Lecture 1 - An Introduction to the Earth's Atmosphere and Source of Energy - The Sun
Lecture 2 - Primary Source of Energy on the Earth - The Sun
Lecture 3 - Evolution of the Earth's Atmosphere
Lecture 4 - Earth's Second Atmosphere and Rise of Oxygen
Lecture 5 - Atmosphere of Other Planets in Solar System
Lecture 6 - Structure of Earth's Atmosphere
Lecture 7 - Vertical Structure of Atmosphere
Lecture 8 - Characterization of Atmosphere Based on Electrical Properties
Lecture 9 - Coupling of Solar Radiation with the Earth's Atmosphere
Lecture 10 - Forces and Their Classifications
Lecture 11 - Forces - Gravitational Force
Lecture 12 - Forces - Viscous Force
Lecture 13 - Forces - Coriolis Force
Lecture 14 - Coriolis Force and Curvature Effect
Lecture 15 - Hydrostatic Equation
Lecture 16 - Hypsometric Equation
Lecture 17 - Atmospheric Thermodynamics
Lecture 18 - Thermodynamics - Dry Air
Lecture 19 - Thermodynamics - Moist Air
Lecture 20 - Geopotential and Scale Height
Lecture 21 - Specific Heats
Lecture 22 - Air Parcel and Potential Temperature
Lecture 23 - Moisture Parameters
Lecture 24 - Saturation Mixing Ratio and Relative Humidity
Lecture 25 - Pseudo-Adiabatic Processes
Lecture 26 - Convection of Air
Lecture 27 - Atmospheric Stability and Cloud Formation
Lecture 28 - Cloud Formation
Lecture 29 - Cloud Formation and Lifting
Lecture 30 - Cloud Morphology
Lecture 31 - Secondary Cloud Classification and Fog
Lecture 32 - Atmospheric Stability
Lecture 33 - Atmospheric Stability Conditions
Lecture 34 - Stable Unstable and Neutral Atmosphere
Lecture 35 - Cloud Seeding and Precipitation
Lecture 36 - Measuring Precipitation
Lecture 37 - Droplet Growth and Curvature Effect
Lecture 38 - Droplet Growth and Solute Effect
Lecture 39 - Radial Growth of Droplets by Diffusion
Lecture 40 - Radial Growth of Droplets by Diffusion (Continued...)
Lecture 41 - Ionospheric Layers and Photochemistry
Lecture 42 - Ionization Processes
Lecture 43 - Ionospheric Chemical Reactions and Layers
Lecture 44 - Chapman's Theory of Layer Production
Lecture 45 - Chapman's Theory of Layer Production (Continued...)
Lecture 46 - Chapman's Alpha Layer
Lecture 47 - Hydrogen in Ionosphere
Lecture 48 - Debye's Shielding
Lecture 49 - Debye's Shielding and Debye's Potential
Lecture 50 - Debye's Potential (Continued...)
Lecture 51 - Particle Motion in Uniform Electric Field
Lecture 52 - Particle Motion in Uniform Magnetic Field
Lecture 53 - Particle Motion in Uniform Magnetic Field and Guiding Center
Lecture 54 - Particle Motion in Uniform Electric and Magnetic Fields
Lecture 55 - Gradient Magnetic Field
Lecture 56 - Gradient Drift and Curvature Drift
Lecture 57 - Vacuum Drift and Planetary Ring Current
Lecture 58 - Magnetic Mirroring
Lecture 59 - Magnetic Mirroring and Loss Cone
Lecture 60 - Airglow and Aurora
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Introduction to Atmospheric and Space Sciences
Lecture 57 - Vacuum Drift and Planetary Ring Current
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