1. At 5:53 minute of the video, suggest a method to verify that log(10^5) displayed by R is correct. 2. At 8:50 minute of the video, check that the lengths of x and y are unequal 3. At 9:08 minutes, please pause the video and look at the values in x and y; please confirm that these values are as per expectation. 4. At 9:28 minutes, verify that the lengths of x and y are 126, by diplaying, verifying and counting. 5. Find answers to log2(2^5) and log(exp(1)*exp(1)) - explain 6. Explore the Helptab in RStudio: Change the labels, title, etc. Hint: try plot(x,y,xlab=''x-axis'') 7. Copy paste a few examples provided in Help and see what they do