Foss: PERL - English
Outline: 1. Installation of Perl 5.14.2 on Ubuntu Linux Installing XAMPP in Linux (XAMPP is a cumulative package consisting of Apache, PERL, PHP and MySQL Packages is available for Linux) ..

Foss: PERL - English
Outline: Variables are used for storing values, like text strings, numbers or arrays All variables in PERL start with a $ sign symbol Declaring a variable in PERL: $var_name = value; e.g: $count = 1; ..

Foss: PERL - English
Outline: Comments in Perl Two types of comments - 1. Single Line 2. Multi Line Single Line comment starts with the symbol # Multi Line comment used to comment a chunk of code =cut =head or =..

Foss: PERL - English
Outline: for-foreach-Loop 1. for Loop for loop is used to execute a piece of code for certain number of times 2. for-each Loop for-each loop is used to iterate a condition over an array

Foss: PERL - English
Outline: 1. while Loop while loop executes a block of code while a condition is true. 2. do-while loop do-while loop will always execute the piece of code at-least once. It will then check the condition..

Foss: PERL - English
Outline: if conditional statement is used to test some condition and if that condition is satisfied then execute the piece of code. if-else conditional statement is used to test some condition and if that con..

Foss: PERL - English
Outline: if-elsif-else conditional statement is used to check specific condition and if it is true execute the respective block else execute the default else block. switch is conditional case statement. Satis..

Foss: PERL - English
Outline: Perl provides 3 types of data structures. 1. Scalar This is the basic data structure in PERL. It is as good as defining variables in Perl. e.g $variable = 9; 2. Array It is a..

Foss: PERL - English
Outline: 1. Getting Last index of array 2. Getting length of an array To get the length, add 1 to last index of an array Other way is use scalar function on array or assign array a s..

Foss: PERL - English
Outline: 1. push Add element at the end of an array 2. pop Remove element from the end of an array 3. unshift Add element at the start of an array 4. shift ..

Foss: PERL - English
Outline: 1. Accessing element of a hash 2. Basic hash functions keys Returns keys of a hash values Returns values of a hash each Retrieve the next key/value pair..

Foss: PERL - English
Outline: 1. Simple function 2. Function with parameters 3. Function which return single value 4. Function which returns multiple values

Foss: PERL - English
Outline: Special Blocks 1. Begin This block executes at the compilation time once it is defined. Anything which needs to be included before execution of the rest of the code is written here. 2. E..

Foss: PERL - English
Outline: Access Modifiers in PERL 1. private variable - my scope is in the block inside where it is declared 2. lexically scoped variables - local that means they get the temporary value inside ..

Foss: PERL - English
Outline: Referencing: Create a reference by adding \ (backward slash) Demo of various examples Add, remove, access elements of array reference / hash reference in the script with examples. Dereferencing..

Foss: PERL - English
Outline: 1. Special variables have a predefined and special meaning in Perl. 2. These variables are denoted by usual variable indicator such as $, @, % along with punctuation characters. For Exam..

Foss: PERL - English
Outline: File Handling 1. Open a File 2. Open a File in Read Mode 3. Open a File in Write Mode 4. Open a File in Append Mode 5. Close the FileHandle

Foss: PERL - English
Outline: Exception and error handling When an error occurs, exception and error handling helps to recover the program. Methods used in Perl: 1. warn() 2. die() 3. eval()

Foss: PERL - English
Outline: Including Files or modules in Perl program We can include the Perl modules or files by using the following methods. 1. do: It includes the source code from other files into the current script fi..

Foss: PERL - English
Outline: Sample Perl program We have included all the major topics we covered so far in this sample program. This program will give the output of various weather forecast reports of a region. 1. Weath..

Foss: PERL - English
Outline: Perl Module Library Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) is the library of modules. 1. User can make use of the existing modules available in CPAN 2. New modules created by the user can..

Foss: PERL - English
Outline: Downloading CPAN module 1. Linux OS: There are several ways to download. Type cpan and press Enter. This gives us cpan prompt. Type install module name. 2. Windows OS: With installation of ..

Foss: PERL - English
Outline: Perl and HTML 1. To create HTML pages, Perl provides CGI module which creates CGI script with require HTML tags. 2. There are different methods which CGI modules provide to add header, adding fi..