Lecture 1 - Concept and Scope of Biodiversity Protection
Lecture 2 - Types of Biodiversity, Megabiodiverse Centers
Lecture 3 - Biodiversity Mapping
Lecture 4 - Types of Bio-resources, Conservation Mechanisms
Lecture 5 - International Resources / Centres of Conservation
Lecture 6 - Traditional Resources Rights, Ecosystem Measures
Lecture 7 - Overview of International Framework
Lecture 8 - Convention on Biodiversity - Objectives and Articles
Lecture 9 - International Regime on ABS
Lecture 10 - Biodiversity and Climate Change
Lecture 11 - Biobanks - Governance issues
Lecture 12 - The Biodiversity Act, 2002
Lecture 13 - Regulatory Authorities in India - NBA and SBB
Lecture 14 - Biodiversity Management Committees
Lecture 15 - Peoples Biodiversity Registers
Lecture 16 - ABS Regulation and Benefit Sharing in India
Lecture 17 - Trade Regime and Biodiversity
Lecture 18 - Comparison of Biodiversity Laws of countries
Lecture 19 - TRIPS and CBD Relation
Lecture 20 - CBD and relation to other international treaties related to environment and organization
Lecture 21 - Interrelationship and New Developments
Lecture 22 - Biodiversity and Interface with IPR
Lecture 23 - Challenges related to biopiracy - case studies
Lecture 24 - Patents based on bioresources - Recent Trends and Developments
Lecture 25 - Disclosure requirements in Patent - A comparative perspective
Lecture 26 - Regulatory Law - Comparative perspective
Lecture 27 - Concept,Definitions and Criteria for Plant Variety Protection
Lecture 28 - Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Right 2001 - Major Provisions of the Act
Lecture 29 - Plant Variety Protection - Comparative Perspective
Lecture 30 - International Union for Protection of New Plant Varieties (UPOV)
Lecture 31 - Farmers' Rights - Other Country Model
Lecture 32 - Principles of Biodiversity Governance
Lecture 33 - Compliance Procedure and Linkage with IPR
Lecture 34 - Compliance Procedures under International Framework
Lecture 35 - Compliance Procedures in India
Lecture 36 - Compliance Procedures in EU
Lecture 37 - Biodiversity and Interrelationship with Life
Lecture 38 - Sustainable Development Agenda
Lecture 39 - Biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, ecosystem services
Lecture 40 - Biodiversity and Human Happiness
Lecture 1 - Concept and Scope of Biodiversity Protection
Lecture 2 - Types of Biodiversity, Megabiodiverse Centers
Lecture 3 - Biodiversity Mapping
Lecture 4 - Types of Bio-resources, Conservation Mechanisms
Lecture 5 - International Resources / Centres of Conservation
Lecture 6 - Traditional Resources Rights, Ecosystem Measures
Lecture 7 - Overview of International Framework
Lecture 8 - Convention on Biodiversity - Objectives and Articles
Lecture 9 - International Regime on ABS
Lecture 10 - Biodiversity and Climate Change
Lecture 11 - Biobanks - Governance issues
Lecture 12 - The Biodiversity Act, 2002
Lecture 13 - Regulatory Authorities in India - NBA and SBB
Lecture 14 - Biodiversity Management Committees
Lecture 15 - Peoples Biodiversity Registers
Lecture 16 - ABS Regulation and Benefit Sharing in India
Lecture 17 - Trade Regime and Biodiversity
Lecture 18 - Comparison of Biodiversity Laws of countries
Lecture 19 - TRIPS and CBD Relation
Lecture 20 - CBD and relation to other international treaties related to environment and organization
Lecture 21 - Interrelationship and New Developments
Lecture 22 - Biodiversity and Interface with IPR
Lecture 23 - Challenges related to biopiracy - case studies
Lecture 24 - Patents based on bioresources - Recent Trends and Developments
Lecture 25 - Disclosure requirements in Patent - A comparative perspective
Lecture 26 - Regulatory Law - Comparative perspective
Lecture 27 - Concept,Definitions and Criteria for Plant Variety Protection
Lecture 28 - Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Right 2001 - Major Provisions of the Act
Lecture 29 - Plant Variety Protection - Comparative Perspective
Lecture 30 - International Union for Protection of New Plant Varieties (UPOV)
Lecture 31 - Farmers' Rights - Other Country Model
Lecture 32 - Principles of Biodiversity Governance
Lecture 33 - Compliance Procedure and Linkage with IPR
Lecture 34 - Compliance Procedures under International Framework
Lecture 35 - Compliance Procedures in India
Lecture 36 - Compliance Procedures in EU
Lecture 37 - Biodiversity and Interrelationship with Life
Lecture 38 - Sustainable Development Agenda
Lecture 39 - Biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, ecosystem services
Lecture 40 - Biodiversity and Human Happiness
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Biodiversity Protection, Farmers and Breeders Rights
Lecture 28 - Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Right 2001 - Major Provisions of the Act
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