Lecture 1 - Mendelian Genetics
Lecture 2 - Mendelian Genetics
Lecture 3 - Mendelian Genetics
Lecture 4 - Concept of Gene and Experiments on Plant Hybridization
Lecture 5 - Concept of Gene and Experiments on Plant Hybridization
Lecture 6 - Pureline Selection
Lecture 7 - Pedigree Method
Lecture 8 - Backcross Breeding
Lecture 9 - Back Cross Method (Recessive Gene Transfer)
Lecture 10 - Merits and Demerits of Backcross Breeding and Cytoplasm Transfer Through BB
Lecture 11 - Mass Selection
Lecture 12 - Modifications of Mass Selection
Lecture 13 - Recurrent Selection
Lecture 14 - Reciprocal Recurrent Selection
Lecture 15 - Heterosis and Inbreeding Depression
Lecture 16 - Degree of Inbreeding and Genetic Basis of Heterosis and Inbreeding Depression
Lecture 17 - Genetic Basis of Heterosis and Inbreeding Depression
Lecture 18 - Population Genetics - Part I
Lecture 19 - Population Genetics - Part II
Lecture 20 - Population Genetics - Part III
Lecture 21 - Polyploidy - Introduction
Lecture 22 - Autopolyploidy
Lecture 23 - Features and Limitations of Autopolyploids
Lecture 24 - Allopolyploidy
Lecture 25 - Introduction to Reverse Breeding
Lecture 26 - Applications of Reverse Breeding
Lecture 27 - Introduction to Markers
Lecture 28 - RFLP
Lecture 29 - RAPD
Lecture 30 - AFLP
Lecture 31 - ISSR, SSR, CAPS
Lecture 32 - Backcross breeding through molecular marker - Part I
Lecture 33 - Backcross breeding through molecular marker - Part II
Lecture 34 - Enzymatic tools used in Molecular Biology
Lecture 35 - Vectors and Plasmids used in Molecular Biology
Lecture 36 - Types of Vectors used in Plant Transformation and Selectable Marker Gene
Lecture 37 - Scorable Marker Gene and Plant Tissue Culture
Lecture 38 - Gene Cloning
Lecture 39 - Promoters and Preparation of Over expression Construct
Lecture 40 - Preparation of Gene Silencing Construct
Lecture 41 - Unidirectional and Bidirectional Promoter, NumericalQuestion on Promoter Analysis
Lecture 42 - Application of Plant Tissue Culture - Part I
Lecture 43 - Application of Plant Tissue Culture - Part II
Lecture 44 - Haploids and Artificial Seeds
Lecture 45 - Gene Transfer Methods
Lecture 46 - Agrobacterium Mediated Transformation in Tobacco and Rice
Lecture 47 - PCR Screening
Lecture 48 - Southern and Northern Blot
Lecture 49 - Western Blot
Lecture 50 - Microarray and Other Screening Methods
Lecture 51 - Molecular Analysis of Transgenic Plants - I
Lecture 52 - Molecular Analysis of Transgenic Plants - II
Lecture 53 - Double Integration - Part I
Lecture 54 - Double Integration - Part II
Lecture 55 - Golden Rice, Bt Cotton, FLAVR SAVR
Lecture 56 - Characterisation of OsGLP1 Gene from Rice - Part I
Lecture 57 - Characterization of OsGLP1 Gene from Rice - Part II
Lecture 58 - Seed Sterilisation and Transformation (Rice and Tobacco)
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Basics of Crop Breeding and Plant Biotechnology
Lecture 42 - Application of Plant Tissue Culture - Part I
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