Lecture 1 - Introduction to EM waves and various techniques of communication
Lecture 2 - Equations of Voltage and Current on TX line
Lecture 3 - Propagation constant, Characteristic impedance and reflection coefficient
Lecture 4 - Impedance Transformation
Lecture 5 - Loss-less and Low loss Transmission line and VSWR
Lecture 6 - Power transfer on TX line
Lecture 7 - Smith Chart
Lecture 8 - Admittance Smith Chart
Lecture 9 - Experimental setup for transmission line measurements
Lecture 10 - Applications of transmission lines
Lecture 11 - Applications of transmission lines-II
Lecture 12 - Impedance Matching
Lecture 13 - Lossy Transmission Line
Lecture 14 - Problems on Transmission line
Lecture 15 - Types of transmission line
Lecture 16 - Basics of Vectors
Lecture 17 - Vector calculus
Lecture 18 - Basic laws of Electromagnetics
Lecture 19 - Maxwell\\\'s Equations
Lecture 20 - Boundary conditions at Media Interface
Lecture 21 - Uniform plane wave
Lecture 22 - Propagation of wave
Lecture 23 - Wave polarization
Lecture 24 - Pioncere\\\'s Sphere
Lecture 25 - Wave propagation in conducting medium
Lecture 26 - Wave propagation and phase velocity
Lecture 27 - Power flow and Poynting vector
Lecture 28 - Surface current and power loss in a conductor
Lecture 29 - Plane wave in arbitary direction
Lecture 30 - Plane wave at dielectric interface
Lecture 31 - Reflection and refraction at media interface
Lecture 32 - Total internal reflection
Lecture 33 - Polarization at media interface
Lecture 34 - Reflection from a conducting boundary
Lecture 35 - Parallel plane waveguide
Lecture 36 - Wave propagation in parallel plane waveguide
Lecture 37 - Analysis of waveguide general approach
Lecture 38 - Rectangular waveguide
Lecture 39 - Modal propagation in rectangular waveguide
Lecture 40 - Surface currents on the waveguide walls
Lecture 41 - Field visualization and Attenuation in waveguide
Lecture 42 - Attenuation in waveguide continued
Lecture 43 - Radiation (Antenna)
Lecture 44 - Solution for potential function
Lecture 45 - Radiation form the Hertz dipole
Lecture 46 - Power radiated by hertz dipole
Lecture 47 - Thin linear antenna
Lecture 48 - Radiation Parameters of antenna
Lecture 49 - Receiving antenna
Lecture 50 - Monopole and Dipole antenna
Lecture 51 - Fourier transform relation between current and radiation pattern
Lecture 52 - Antenna arrays
Lecture 53 - Uniform Linear array
Lecture 54 - Uniform Linear array continued
Lecture 55 - Synthesis of array
Lecture 56 - Binomial array and general array synthesis
Lecture 57 - Problems on uniform plane wave
Lecture 58 - Problems on uniform plane wave in a meduim
Lecture 59 - Problems on waveguides
Lecture 60 - Problems on Antennas and radiation
NPTEL Video Course : Transmission Lines and EM Waves
Lecture 8 - Admittance Smith Chart
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