Lecture 1 - Introduction to NMR
Lecture 2 - NMR concepts and spin physics - I
Lecture 3 - NMR concepts and spin physics - II
Lecture 4 - Internal interaction parameters and chemical shifts
Lecture 5 - Chemical shifts
Lecture 6 - Scalar couplings
Lecture 7 - Multiplicity patterns of coupled spins and analysis of 1H NMR spectrum
Lecture 8 - Multiplicity pattern and analysis of NMR spectra - II
Lecture 9 - Analysis of NMR spectra and their analysis
Lecture 10 - Heteronuclear NMR
Lecture 11 - Introduction to Fourier series
Lecture 12 - Complex form of Fourier series
Lecture 13 - Fourier theorems
Lecture 14 - Fourier transformation in NMR
Lecture 15 - Pople notation, construction of spin Hamiltonian
Lecture 16 - Quantum mechanical analysis of AX spectra
Lecture 17 - Quantum mechanical analysis of AB spin system
Lecture 18 - Quantum mechanical analysis of coupled spin systems
Lecture 19 - RF pulses and their phases
Lecture 20 - Receiver phase and phase cycling
Lecture 21 - Evolution of chemical shift
Lecture 22 - Evolution of J couplings: polarization transfer
Lecture 23 - selective saturation in homo and heteronuclear spin systems, coupled anddecoupled INEPT
Lecture 24 - INEPT and DEPT
Lecture 25 - Coherence transfer pathway
Lecture 26 - Examples of coherence pathway selection
Lecture 27 - Pulse field gradients - I
Lecture 28 - Pulse field gradients - II
Lecture 29 - Selective excitation, selective inversion
Lecture 30 - Relaxation phenomenon
Lecture 31 - T1 relaxation concepts and measurements
Lecture 32 - Spectral density function and relaxation mechanisms
Lecture 33 - T1 Relaxation mechanisms
Lecture 34 - T1 Relaxation mechanisms and T2 relaxation
Lecture 35 - Measurement of T1 and T2
Lecture 36 - Decoupling and NOE concepts
Lecture 37 - DQ and ZQ relaxation pathways
Lecture 38 - Positive and Negative NOE and spectral density functions
Lecture 39 - NOE and correlation time
Lecture 40 - Product operators
Lecture 41 - Product operator analysis
Lecture 42 - Productor operator analysis of pulse sequences
Lecture 43 - Product operators for two J coupled spins
Lecture 44 - Spin echo sequences
Lecture 45 - Introduction to 2D NMR
Lecture 46 - 2D NMR concepts, 2D experiments
Lecture 47 - 2D COSY experiment
Lecture 48 - 2D COSY and its variants
Lecture 49 - TOCSY Heteronuclear 2D experiments
Lecture 50 - coupled and decoupled HSQC, HMBC, INADEQUATE, 2D Jresolved
Lecture 51 - Introduction to multiple quantum NMR
Lecture 52 - DQ and ZQ of coupled spins
Lecture 53 - MQ and relative signs of couplings
Lecture 54 - MQ and spin system filtering
Lecture 55 - Introduction to solid state NMR
Lecture 56 - CSA and dipolar couplings
Lecture 57 - Magic Angle Spinning
Lecture 58 - WAHUHA and Cross Polarization
Lecture 59 - Cross Polarization
Lecture 60 - CP at high speeds, Side band suppression, TOSS
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Advanced NMR Techniques in Solution and Solid-State
Lecture 7 - Multiplicity patterns of coupled spins and analysis of 1H NMR spectrum
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