Lecture 1 - Introduction to Mathematica, Wolfram language and Wolfram Cloud
Lecture 2 - Technical Prelim 1
Lecture 3 - Plotting Simple Functions
Lecture 4 - Function Behaviour near Extrema
Lecture 5 - Radicals and Logarithms
Lecture 6 - Properties of Functions
Lecture 7 - Vector Fields, Vector and Streamline Plots and Contour Plots
Lecture 8 - Introduction to Non-dimesionalisation
Lecture 9 - Non-dimensionalization and visual thinking
Lecture 10 - Non-dimensionalisation and Parametric Plot
Lecture 11 - Technical Prelim 2: Loops
Lecture 12 - Introduction to Simple Harmonic Oscillator
Lecture 13 - Simple Harmonic Oscillator with a spring mass system
Lecture 14 - More Examples of Simple Harmonic Oscillator
Lecture 15 - Anharmonic Oscillator
Lecture 16 - Introduction to Data Analysis - 1
Lecture 17 - Introduction to Data Analysis - 2
Lecture 18 - Curve fitting
Lecture 19 - Linear superposition of oscillations
Lecture 20 - Technical Prelim 3: Introduction to Calculus Tools
Lecture 21 - Damped Harminic Oscillator: LCR Circuit
Lecture 22 - Solving Initial Value Problem with Mathemtica
Lecture 23 - Damped Harmonic Oscillator: Spring-mass System with Friction
Lecture 24 - Technical Prelim 4: Manipulation of Lists using @, @@, /@ operators
Lecture 25 - Introduction to Euler's Method for Solving Differential Equation
Lecture 26 - Technical Prelim 5: Writing Custom Functions
Lecture 27 - Writing Euler's Method as a custom function
Lecture 28 - Mean Global Error in Euler's method and Application of Euler's method to damped oscillator
Lecture 29 - Improved Euler (RK2) and RK4 Methods for solving ODEs
Lecture 30 - Driven oscillations
Lecture 31 - Driven oscillations using the Improved Euler method
Lecture 32 - Falling Bodies
Lecture 33 - Escape velocity
Lecture 34 - Driven oscillations: Variations
Lecture 35 - Linear systems: Insights from the phase space picture - 1
Lecture 36 - Linear systems: Insights from the phase space picture - 2
Lecture 37 - Linearization - 1
Lecture 38 - Linearization - 2
Lecture 39 - The Monte Carlo Method - 1
Lecture 40 - The Monte Carlo Method - 2
Lecture 41 - The Monte Carlo Method - 3
Lecture 42 - The Monte Carlo Method - 4
Lecture 43 - The Monte Carlo Method - 5
Lecture 44 - Random Walks - 1
Lecture 45 - Random Walks - 2
Lecture 46 - Random Walks - 3
Lecture 47 - Random Walks - 4
Lecture 48 - Random Walks - 5
Lecture 49 - Random Walks - 6
Lecture 50 - Random Walks - 7
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Physics through Computational Thinking
Lecture 15 - Anharmonic Oscillator
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