Lecture 1 - Introduction and Newton's laws of motion
Lecture 2 - From dynamics to Kinematics
Lecture 3 - Equations of dynamics and constants of motion
Lecture 4 - Constants of motion (Continued...), Wrok-energy theorem and conservative forces
Lecture 5 - Dynamics under constants and central forces
Lecture 6 - Derivation of gradient form from zero curl condition
Lecture 7 - Concept of equilibrium
Lecture 8 - Terminal velocity, stable and unstable equilibria
Lecture 9 - Stable and unstable equilibria in more than one dimensions
Lecture 10 - Motion in one-dimensional potential
Lecture 11 - Solving equations of motion in one dimension
Lecture 12 - Calculation of Work Done in a Force Field
Lecture 13 - Central forces, Velocity and Acceleration in Plane Polar Coordinates
Lecture 14 - Dynamics and Trajectories Under a Central Force
Lecture 15 - Equation For Trajectories Under a Central Force (Continued...) : Binet Equation
Lecture 16 - Trajectory of a Particle Under Attractive Inverse-Square Force Law
Lecture 17 - Energy Diagram in an Effective One-Dimensional Motion
Lecture 18 - Two Interesting Problems On the motion Under Central Forces
Lecture 19 - Motion Under an Attractive Inverse-Square Force
Lecture 20 - Motion Under an Attractive Inverse-Square Force (Continued...)
Lecture 21 - Trajectories Under Attractive Inverse-Square Force, Laws of Kepler
Lecture 22 - Laplace Runge-Lenz Vector
Lecture 23 - Simple harmonic oscillators
Lecture 24 - Two examples of simple harmonic oscillation
Lecture 25 - Forced harmonic oscillator
Lecture 26 - Forced harmonic oscillator at resonance
Lecture 27 - Damped harmonic oscillator
Lecture 28 - Nature of motion under a harmonic potential
Lecture 29 - Comparison among three types of damped oscillation
Lecture 30 - Forced harmonic oscillator with damping
Lecture 31 - A problem on damped harmonic oscillator
Lecture 32 - Beats
Lecture 33 - Motion of a particle in electric and magnetic fields
Lecture 34 - E X B drift
Lecture 35 - Inertial frames of reference, Galilean transformation
Lecture 36 - Non-inertial frames of reference, pseudo forces
Lecture 37 - Motion of a particle in a rotating frame of reference
Lecture 38 - Motion of a particle relative to an observer on earth
Lecture 39 - Motion of a particle under various constraints
Lecture 40 - Principle of Virtual work, D'Alembert's principle
Lecture 41 - Lagrange's equation of first kind
Lecture 42 - Solving problems using Lagrange's equation of first kind
Lecture 43 - Generalized Coordinates and Generalized Velocities
Lecture 44 - Knetic Energy and Acceleration in Terms of Generalized Coordinates
Lecture 45 - Generalized Momentum and Generalized Force; Derivation of Euler-Lagrange Equation
Lecture 46 - Euler Lagrange Equation, Cyclic Coordinates and Other Properties
Lecture 47 - Properties of Euler-Lagrange equations (Continued...)
Lecture 48 - Lagrangian of various oscillating systems
Lecture 49 - Problem solving using Euler-Lagrange equations
Lecture 50 - Concept of Phase Space
Lecture 51 - Phase space trajectories and fixed points
Lecture 52 - Stability of fixed points
Lecture 53 - Different types of fixed points
Lecture 54 - Fixed points and their stability for mechanical systems
Lecture 55 - Linear two-dimensional phase space dynamics
Lecture 56 - Linear two-dimensional phase space dynamics (Continued...)
Lecture 57 - Concept of limit cycles
Lecture 58 - Lorenz equations and introduction to chaos
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Classical Motion of a Single Particle
Lecture 42 - Solving problems using Lagrange's equation of first kind
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