Lecture 1 - Introduction to Drude's theory of electrons in a metal - Part 1
Lecture 2 - Introduction to Drude's theory of electrons in a metal - Part 2
Lecture 3 - Postulates of Drude's theory
Lecture 4 - Calculating electrical conductivity of metal using Drude's theory of electrons in metal - Part 1
Lecture 5 - Calculating the electrical conductivity of metal using Drude's Model - Part 2
Lecture 6 - Introduction to Hall effect in Metals - Part 1
Lecture 7 - Introduction to Hall effect in metals - Part 2
Lecture 8 - Introduction to Hall effect in metals - Part 3
Lecture 9 - Understanding thermal conductivity of a metal using Drude's model - Part 1
Lecture 10 - Understanding thermal conductivity of a metal using Drude's model - Part 2
Lecture 11 - Introduction to Sommerfeld's Theory of electrons in a metal - Part 1
Lecture 12 - Introduction to Sommerfeld's Theory of electrons in a metal - Part 2
Lecture 13 - Introduction to Sommerfeld's Theory of electrons in a metal - Part 3
Lecture 14 - Fermi Energy and Fermi Sphere - Part 1
Lecture 15 - Fermi Energy and Fermi Sphere - Part 2
Lecture 16 - Density of States - Part 1
Lecture 17 - Density of States - Part 2
Lecture 18 - Summary and Discussions of Sommerfeld's Model
Lecture 19 - Electronic Contribution to the Specific heat of a Solid - Part 1
Lecture 20 - Electronic Contribution to the Specific heat of a Solid - Part 2
Lecture 21 - Electronic Contribution to the Specific heat of a Solid - Part 3
Lecture 22 - Electronic Contribution to the Specific heat of a Solid - Part 4
Lecture 23 - Understanding Thermal conductivity of Metals
Lecture 24 - Introduction to Magnetism in Metal - Part 1
Lecture 25 - Introduction to Magnetism in Metal - Part 2
Lecture 26 - Introduction to Magnetism in Metal - Part 3
Lecture 27 - Introduction to crystals and bonding in crystals
Lecture 28 - Understanding crystal structure using Bravais Lattice
Lecture 29 - Bravais Lattice Types - Part 1
Lecture 30 - Bravais Lattice Types - Part 2
Lecture 31 - Introduction to different crystal types - Part 1
Lecture 32 - Introduction to different crystal types - Part 2
Lecture 33 - Indexing crystal planes
Lecture 34 - Scattering of X rays from crystals - Part 1
Lecture 35 - Scattering of X rays from crystals - Part 2
Lecture 36 - Reciprocal lattice vectors - Part 1
Lecture 37 - Reciprocal lattice vectors - Part 2
Lecture 38 - Reciprocal lattice vectors and Laue's condition for diffraction of waves in crystals - Part 1
Lecture 39 - Reciprocal lattice vectors and Laue's condition for diffraction of waves in crystals - Part 2
Lecture 40 - Reciprocal lattice vectors, Laue's condition and Bragg's law for diffraction of waves by a crystal
Lecture 41 - Wave equation in a continuous medium and generalization to a discrete medium
Lecture 42 - Derivation of wave equation for motion of atoms in a crystal
Lecture 43 - Solution of the wave equation for a crystal and the relation between frequency ω and wavevector k
Lecture 44 - Group velocity of waves and speed of sound in a crystal
Lecture 45 - Waves in a crystal considering interaction among atoms beyond their nearest neighbours
Lecture 46 - Normal modes in a crystal : Phonons and their momenta and energy
Lecture 47 - Experimental determination of Phonon dispersion curves
Lecture 48 - Lattice with two atom basis: Optical Phonons
Lecture 49 - Displacement of the atoms for the acoustic and optical Phonons
Lecture 50 - Density of states of phonons
Lecture 51 - Calculating the density of states of Phonons: The Einstein's and the Debye's Models
Lecture 52 - Average energy of Phonons at Temperature T
Lecture 53 - Debye's Model of specific heat of crystals
Lecture 54 - Anharmonic effects in crystals: thermal expansion and Umkclapp processes
Lecture 55 - Going beyond free electron model: Periodic crystal potential and Bloch's theorem for the wavefunction
Lecture 56 - Applying perturbation theory to free electron wavefunctions and nearly free electron model
Lecture 57 - Applying perturbation theory to free electron wavefunctions and creation of energy gap at zone boundaries
Lecture 58 - Mixing of plane waves to get Bloch Wavefunction - I
Lecture 59 - Mixing of plane waves to get Bloch Wavefunction - II
Lecture 60 - Equivalence of wave vectors k and k+G and reduced zone scheme
Lecture 61 - Applying periodic boundary condition to Bloch wavefunction and counting the number of states
Lecture 62 - Band theory of metals, insulators and semiconductors
Lecture 63 - Kronig- Penney model
Lecture 64 - Bloch wavefunction as a linear combination of atomic orbitals: Tight Binding Model- I
Lecture 65 - Tight Binding Model - II
Lecture 66 - Semiclassical dynamics of a particle in a band and Bloch oscillations
Lecture 67 - Experimental observations of Bloch oscillations
Lecture 68 - Concept of hole as a current carrier in semiconductors - I
Lecture 69 - Concept of hole as a current carrier in semiconductors - II
Lecture 70 - Calculating carrier density in semiconductors - I
Lecture 71 - Calculating carrier density in semiconductors - II
Lecture 72 - Donor and acceptor energy levels in a semiconductor
Lecture 73 - charge carrier density in n-type and p-type semiconductors
Lecture 74 - Electrical conductivity and hall coefficient in semiconductors
Lecture 75 - Paramagnetism in solids I - Magnetic moment and Lande g factor for atoms
Lecture 76 - Paramagnetism in solids II - temperature dependence of paramagnetic susceptibility and Curie's Law
Lecture 77 - Hund's rule for calculating the total angular momentum J, orbital angular momentum L and spin angular momentum S for an atom
Lecture 78 - Examples of performing paramagnetic susceptibility calculations
Lecture 79 - Diamagnetism in Solids
Lecture 80 - Understanding quenching of orbital angular momentum in transition metal ions
Lecture 81 - Ferromagnetism in solids
Lecture 82 - Introduction to Meissner state of superconductors and levitation
Lecture 83 - Superconducting materials and Type-I and Type-II superconductors
Lecture 84 - London's equation for superconductors
Lecture 85 - Application of London's equation, behavior of specific heat and density of states in superconductors
Lecture 86 - A qualitative introduction to BCS theory of superconductivity
Lecture 87 - Josephson's effect in superconductors and tunneling current across barriers
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Introduction to Solid State Physics
Lecture 82 - Introduction to Meissner state of superconductors and levitation
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