Lecture 1 - Coloumb's Law
Lecture 2 - Coloumb's Force due to several Point charges
Lecture 3 - Force due to distribution of Charges
Lecture 4 - What is an Electric Field?
Lecture 5 - Electric Field due to a Charged Distribution
Lecture 6 - Helmholtz's Theorem for Electric Field
Lecture 7 - Divergence of a Field
Lecture 8 - Divergence of Electric Field & Gauss's Law
Lecture 9 - Curl Of a Field - I
Lecture 10 - Curl of a Field - II & Stokes' Theorem
Lecture 11 - Line surface area & volume elements in Cartesian & Cylindrical Coordinates
Lecture 12 - Line surface area & volume elements in Spherical Polar Coordinates
Lecture 13 - Examples of application of the divergence and stokes' theorems
Lecture 14 - Electrostatic Potential
Lecture 15 - Electric field as the gradient of electrostatic potential
Lecture 16 - Laplace's and Poisson's equations for electrostatic potential
Lecture 17 - Elecrostatic potential due to a charge distribution - I; a line charge of finite length
Lecture 18 - Elecrostatic potential due to a charge distribution - II;a ring and a spherical shell of charge
Lecture 19 - Uniqueness of the solution of Laplace's and Poisson's equations
Lecture 20 - Method of images I: point charge in front of a grounded metallic plane - I
Lecture 21 - Method of imagesII: point charge in front of a grounded metallic plane and grounded metal sphere
Lecture 22 - Laplaces equations in some other physical phenomena
Lecture 23 - Energy of a charge distribution - I
Lecture 24 - Energy of a charge distribution - II An example
Lecture 25 - Energy of a charge distribution - III Energy density in terms of electric field
Lecture 26 - Electric field and potential in a conductor
Lecture 27 - Reciprocity theorem for conductors - I
Lecture 28 - Reciprocity theorem for conductors - II
Lecture 29 - Electric polarization and bound charges - I
Lecture 30 - Electric polarization and bound charges - II
Lecture 31 - Electric Displacement
Lecture 32 - Elecrostatics in presence of Dielectric Materials - I
Lecture 33 - Elecrostatics in presence of Dielectric Materials - II
Lecture 34 - Introduction to Magnetostatics; The BiO-Savart law
Lecture 35 - Divergence and curl of Magnetic Field
Lecture 36 - Amperes law for Magnetic Fields
Lecture 37 - Vector Potential for Magnetic Fields
Lecture 38 - Calculation of Vector Potential for a given magnetic field
Lecture 39 - Equation for the Vector Potentialin terms of current density
Lecture 40 - Vector potential from Current Densities - I
Lecture 41 - Vector potential from Current Densities - II
Lecture 42 - Magnetic Materials - I
Lecture 43 - Magnetic Materials - II Bound Current Densities
Lecture 44 - The Auxiliary Field - H
Lecture 45 - Solving for Magnetic Field of a magnet - I
Lecture 46 - Solving for Magnetic Field of a magnet in presence of Magnetic Materials
Lecture 47 - Faradays Law
Lecture 48 - Induced Electric field due to changing Magnetic Field
Lecture 49 - Demonstrations on faradays law, Lenzs law and Nonconservative nature of Induced electric field
Lecture 50 - Energy stord in a magnetic Field-I
Lecture 51 - Energy stord in a magnetic Field-I;solved examples
Lecture 52 - Displacement Current
Lecture 53 - Quasistatic approximation
Lecture 54 - Energy transport by electromagnetic fields; The Poynting Vector
Lecture 55 - The Poynting Vector;solved examples
Lecture 56 - Linear Momentum and Angular Momentum carried by Electromagnetic Fields
Lecture 57
Lecture 58
Lecture 59
Lecture 60
Lecture 61
Lecture 62
Lecture 63
Lecture 64
Lecture 65
Lecture 66 - Solution Assignment 1 - Problems 1 to 3
Lecture 67 - Solution Assignment 1 - Problems 4 to 9
Lecture 68 - Solution Assignment 2 - Problems 1 to 4
Lecture 69 - Solution Assignment 2 - Problems 5 to 11
Lecture 70 - Solution Assignment 3 - Problems 1 to 5
Lecture 71 - Solution Assignment 3 - Problems 6 to 10
Lecture 72 - Solution Assignment 4- Problems 1 to 5
Lecture 73 - Solution Assignment 4- Problems 6 to 10
Lecture 74 - Solution Assignment 5- Problems 6 to 11
Lecture 75 - Solution Assignment 5- Problems 1to 5
Lecture 76 - Solution Assignment 6- Problems 1 to 4
Lecture 77 - Solution Assignment 6- Problems 5 to 8
Lecture 78 - Solution Problem Set 7
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Introduction to Electromagnetism
Lecture 46 - Solving for Magnetic Field of a magnet in presence of Magnetic Materials
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