Lecture 1 - Introduction
Lecture 2 - Lagrangian Formalism
Lecture 3 - Hamiltonian Mechanics
Lecture 4 - Flows and Symmetries
Lecture 5 - Examples of Continuum Systems
Lecture 6 - Symmetries and Noether's Theorem
Lecture 7 - Dynamical Symmetries
Lecture 8 - Symmetries in Field Theories
Lecture 9 - The Relativistic Electromagnetic Field
Lecture 10 - Stress-Energy (Energy-Momentum) Tensor
Lecture 11 - Green's Theorem and Green's Functions
Lecture 12 - Diffraction Theory
Lecture 13 - Introduction to Elasticity Theory
Lecture 14 - Solution of the rubber band problem
Lecture 15 - The Stress Function Method
Lecture 16 - Strain Energy
Lecture 17 - The Euler Equation
Lecture 18 - Bernoulli's Principle
Lecture 19 - Matter, Momentum and Energy Transport
Lecture 20 - Stokes' Drag - I
Lecture 21 - Stokes' Drag - II
Lecture 22 - Towards Quantum Fields
Lecture 23 - Right and Left Movers
Lecture 24 - Functional Integration - I
Lecture 25 - Functional Integration - II
Lecture 26 - Perturbation theory
Lecture 27 - Quantum Mechanics using Lagrangians
Lecture 28 - Path Integrals - Formalism
Lecture 29 - Path Integrals - Free particles
Lecture 30 - Path Integrals - Harmonic oscillator
Lecture 31 - Creation and annihilation operators - Excitations
Lecture 32 - Creation and annihilation operators - Photons
Lecture 33 - Creation and annihilation operators - Many-body physics
Lecture 34 - Particle and Hole Green functions
Lecture 35 - Current Algebra
Lecture 36 - Tight Binding Models - I
Lecture 37 - Tight Binding Models - II
Lecture 38 - Order Parameters
Lecture 39 - Schrieffer Wolff Transformation
Lecture 40 - Matsubara Green functions - I
Lecture 41 - Matsubara Green functions - II
Lecture 42 - Self Energy and Spectral Functions
Lecture 43 - S-Matrix Perturbation Theory
Lecture 44 - Keldysh Contour
Lecture 45 - Bosonic Coherent States
Lecture 46 - Fermionic Coherent States
Lecture 47 - Nonlocal particle hole operators - Bosons
Lecture 48 - Nonlocal particle hole operators - Fermions
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Dynamics of Classical and Quantum Fields
Lecture 21 - Stokes' Drag - II
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