Lecture 1 - Propagators - I
Lecture 2 - Propagators - II
Lecture 3 - Second quantization - I
Lecture 4 - Second quantization - II
Lecture 5 - Second quantized Hamiltonian
Lecture 6 - Tight Binding Hamiltonian, Hubbard model
Lecture 7 - Magnetism
Lecture 8 - Singlet and Triplet State: Magnetic Hamiltonian
Lecture 9 - Antiferromagnetism in Hubbard model
Lecture 10 - Green's function and representations in quantum mechanics
Lecture 11 - S matrix and free electron Green's function
Lecture 12 - Wick's theorem and normal ordering
Lecture 13 - Green's function and Feynman diagrams
Lecture 14 - Feynman diagram
Lecture 15 - phonon Green' function and Hartree Fock approaximation
Lecture 16 - Finite temperature Green's function and Matsubara frequencies
Lecture 17 - Dyson's equation and disorder in electronic systems
Lecture 18 - Introduction to electrodynamics, Meissner effect
Lecture 19 - London penetration depth, Type I and II superconductors
Lecture 20 - Cooper's problem, BCS gap equation
Lecture 21 - BCS theory, Transition temperature
Lecture 22 - Ginzburg Landau Theory, Coherence length and penetration depth
Lecture 23 - Quantum Hall Effect
Lecture 24 - Spin Hall effect, 2D topological insulator
Lecture 25 - Bose-Einstein condensation
Lecture 1 - Propagators - I
Lecture 2 - Propagators - II
Lecture 3 - Second quantization - I
Lecture 4 - Second quantization - II
Lecture 5 - Second quantized Hamiltonian
Lecture 6 - Tight Binding Hamiltonian, Hubbard model
Lecture 7 - Magnetism
Lecture 8 - Singlet and Triplet State: Magnetic Hamiltonian
Lecture 9 - Antiferromagnetism in Hubbard model
Lecture 10 - Green's function and representations in quantum mechanics
Lecture 11 - S matrix and free electron Green's function
Lecture 12 - Wick's theorem and normal ordering
Lecture 13 - Green's function and Feynman diagrams
Lecture 14 - Feynman diagram
Lecture 15 - phonon Green' function and Hartree Fock approaximation
Lecture 16 - Finite temperature Green's function and Matsubara frequencies
Lecture 17 - Dyson's equation and disorder in electronic systems
Lecture 18 - Introduction to electrodynamics, Meissner effect
Lecture 19 - London penetration depth, Type I and II superconductors
Lecture 20 - Cooper's problem, BCS gap equation
Lecture 21 - BCS theory, Transition temperature
Lecture 22 - Ginzburg Landau Theory, Coherence length and penetration depth
Lecture 23 - Quantum Hall Effect
Lecture 24 - Spin Hall effect, 2D topological insulator
Lecture 25 - Bose-Einstein condensation
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Advanced Condensed Matter Physics
Lecture 23 - Quantum Hall Effect
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