Lecture 1 - Introduction - I
Lecture 2 - Introduction - II
Lecture 3 - Normal subgroup, Coset, Conjugate group
Lecture 4 - Factor group, Homomorphism, Isomorphism
Lecture 5 - Factor group, Homomorphism, Isomorphism
Lecture 6 - Conjugacy Classes
Lecture 7 - Permutation Groups
Lecture 8 - Cycle Structure
Lecture 9 - Cycle Structure (Continued...)
Lecture 10 - Young Diagram and Molecular Symmetry
Lecture 11 - Point Groups
Lecture 12 - Symmetries of Molecules, Schoenflies Notation
Lecture 13 - Symmetries of Molecules, Stereographic Projection
Lecture 14 - Examples of Molecular Symmetries and Proof of Cayley Theorem
Lecture 15 - Matrix Representation of Groups - I
Lecture 16 - Matrix Representation of Groups - II
Lecture 17 - Reducible and Irreducible Representation - I
Lecture 18 - Reducible and Irreducible Representation - II
Lecture 19 - Great Orthogonality Theorem and Character Table - I
Lecture 20 - Great Orthogonality Theorem and Character Table - II
Lecture 21 - Mulliken Notation, Character Table and Basis
Lecture 22 - Tensor Product of Representation
Lecture 23 - Tensor Product and Projection Operator - I
Lecture 24 - Tensor Product and Projection Operator - II
Lecture 25 - Tensor Product and Projection Operator with an example
Lecture 26 - Binary Basis and Observables
Lecture 27 - Selection Rules
Lecture 28 - Selection Rules and Molecular Vibrations
Lecture 29 - Molecular vibration normal modes: Classical Mechanics approach
Lecture 30 - Molecular vibration normal modes: Group Theory approach
Lecture 31 - Molecular vibration modes using projection operator
Lecture 32 - Vibrational representation of character
Lecture 33 - Infrared Spectra and Raman Spectra
Lecture 34 - Introduction to continuous group
Lecture 35 - Generators of translational and rotational transformation
Lecture 36 - Generators of Lorentz transformation
Lecture 37 - Introduction to O(3) and SO(3) group
Lecture 38 - SO(n) and Lorentz group
Lecture 39 - Generalised orthogonal group and Lie algebra
Lecture 40 - Subalgebra of Lie algebra
Lecture 41 - gl(2,C) and sl(2,C) group
Lecture 42 - U(n) and SU(n) group
Lecture 43 - Symplectic group
Lecture 44 - SU(2) and SU(3) groups
Lecture 45 - Rank, weight and weight vector
Lecture 46 - Weight vector, root vector, comparison between SU(2) and SU(3) algebra
Lecture 47 - Root diagram, simple roots, adjoint representation
Lecture 48 - SU(2) sub-algebra, Dynkin diagrams
Lecture 49 - Fundamental weights, Young diagrams, dimension of irreducible representation
Lecture 50 - Young diagrams and tensor products
Lecture 51 - Tensor product, Wigner - Eckart theorem
Lecture 52 - Tensor product of irreducible representation 1: Composite objects from fundamental particles
Lecture 53 - Tensor product of irreducible representation 2: Decimet and octet diagrams in the Quark Model
Lecture 54 - Clebsch - Gordan coefficients
Lecture 55 - 1) Quadrupole moment tensor (Wigner-Eckart theorem) 2) Decimet Baryon wavefunction
Lecture 56 - Higher dimensional multiplets in the quark model
Lecture 57 - Symmetry breaking in continuous groups
Lecture 58 - Dynamical symmetry in hydrogen atom: SO(4) algebra
Lecture 59 - Hydrogen atom energy spectrum and degeneracy using Runge-Lenz vector
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Group Theory Methods in Physics
Lecture 57 - Symmetry breaking in continuous groups
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