Lecture 1 - Why Quantum Computing?
Lecture 2 - Postulates of Quantum Mechanics - I
Lecture 3 - Postulates of Quantum Mechanics - II
Lecture 4 - Qubit - The smallest unit
Lecture 5 - Qubit - Bloch sphere representation
Lecture 6 - Multiple Qubit States and Quantum Gates
Lecture 7 - Quantum Gates
Lecture 8 - Quantum Circuts
Lecture 9 - No-Cloning Theorem and Quantum Teleportation
Lecture 10 - Super Dense Coding
Lecture 11 - Density Matrix - I
Lecture 12 - Density Matrix - II
Lecture 13 - Bloch Sphere and Density Matrix
Lecture 14 - Measurement Postulates - I
Lecture 15 - Measurement Postulates - II
Lecture 16 - Simple Algorithms-Deutsch Algorithm
Lecture 17 - Deutsch-Josza and Bernstein - Vazirani Algorithms
Lecture 18 - Simon Problem
Lecture 19 - Grover's Search Algorithm - I
Lecture 20 - Grover's Search Algorithm - II
Lecture 21 - Grover's Search Algorithm - III
Lecture 22 - Grover's Search Algorithm - IV
Lecture 23 - Quantum Fourier Transform
Lecture 24 - Period Finding and QFT
Lecture 25 - Implementing QFT
Lecture 26 - Implementing QFT-3 qubits (and more)
Lecture 27 - Shor's Factorization Algorithm
Lecture 28 - Shor's Factorization Algorithm-Implementation
Lecture 29 - Shor's Algorithm-Continued Fraction
Lecture 30 - Quantum Error Correction - I
Lecture 31 - Quantum Error Correction - II Three Qubit Code
Lecture 32 - Quantum Error Correction - III Shor's 9 Qubit Code - I
Lecture 33 - Quantum Error Correction - IV Shor's 9 Qubit Code - II
Lecture 34 - Classical Information Theory
Lecture 35 - Shannon Entropy
Lecture 36 - Shannon's Noiseless Coding Theorem
Lecture 37 - Ven Neumann Entropy
Lecture 38 - EPR and Bell's Inequalities - I
Lecture 39 - EPR and Bell's Inequalities - II
Lecture 40 - EPR and Bell's Inequalities - III
Lecture 41 - Cryptography-RSA Algorithm - I
Lecture 42 - Cryptography-RSA Algorithm - II
Lecture 43 - Quantum Cryptography - I
Lecture 44 - Quantum Cryptography - II
Lecture 45 - Experimental Aspects of Quantum Computing - I
Lecture 46 - Experimental Aspects of Quantum Computing - II
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Quantum Information and Computing
Lecture 11 - Density Matrix - I
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