Lecture 1 - Course Overview
Lecture 2 - Basics of Thermodynamics
Lecture 3 - Work and Heat transfer
Lecture 4 - Second law of thermodynamics
Lecture 5 - Reversible Heat Engine
Lecture 6 - Basic mode of heat transfer
Lecture 7 - Conduction
Lecture 8 - Convection
Lecture 9 - Radiation
Lecture 10 - Concept of Resistance
Lecture 11 - Heat flow through pipes and walls
Lecture 12 - Heat Exchangers
Lecture 13 - Fins
Lecture 14 - LMTD
Lecture 15 - Pumps and its types
Lecture 16 - Centrifugal pump
Lecture 17 - Characteristic curves of pumps
Lecture 18 - Cavitation
Lecture 19 - Positive displacement pump
Lecture 20 - Pumps in series/parallel
Lecture 21 - Compressors
Lecture 22 - Intercooler
Lecture 23 - Rankine cycle
Lecture 24 - Injectors and Pumps
Lecture 25 - Numerical problem
Lecture 26 - Boilers
Lecture 27 - Fouling and Scaling
Lecture 28 - Fuel and method of firing
Lecture 29 - Boiler efficiency
Lecture 30 - Turbine Basics
Lecture 31 - Turbine aerodynamics
Lecture 32 - Cascade view and Meridional view
Lecture 33 - Impulse and Reaction Turbine
Lecture 34 - Steam Turbine
Lecture 35 - Regenerative thermal power plant
Lecture 36 - Mollier diagram
Lecture 37 - IC Engines
Lecture 38 - Otto/Diesel Cycle
Lecture 39 - Components of IC engines - Part 1
Lecture 40 - Components of IC engines - Part 2
Lecture 41 - Fuel Injection/Scavenging
Lecture 42 - IC engine: Numerical problems
Lecture 43 - IC Engine - Fuel
Lecture 44 - Marine Fuel and Properties
Lecture 45 - Combustion
Lecture 46 - Fuel Oil properties
Lecture 47 - Lubrication/Cooling
Lecture 48 - IC engine-Numerical Problems
Lecture 49 - Gas turbine - Basics
Lecture 50 - Gas turbine - Basics (Continued...)
Lecture 51 - Gas turbine, formula, calculations
Lecture 52 - Gas turbine: Regeneration, Reheat, Intercooling
Lecture 53 - Numerical Problems
Lecture 54 - Binary cycle/Rankine-Brayton cycle
Lecture 55 - Numerical problems
Lecture 56 - HVAC- Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
Lecture 57 - Refrigerants
Lecture 58 - Vapor compression Reffrigeration system
Lecture 59 - HVAC - VCRC components
Lecture 60 - HVAC - Psychrometric
Lecture 61 - HVAC - Numerical problems
Lecture 62 - Fire Fighting Machinery
Lecture 63 - Desalination
Lecture 64 - Energy recovery device (ERD)
Lecture 65 - Desalination/Fire fighting/Numerical problems
Lecture 66 - Numerical problems
Lecture 67 - Steering gear/propeller/rudder/incin
Lecture 68 - Power transmission system, shafting, bearing, gear, lubrication, Electric propulsion
Lecture 69 - Stern Tube Bearings and Misalignment
Lecture 70 - Shaft
Lecture 71 - Shaft Design
Lecture 72 - Gears
Lecture 73 - Seals and Bearings
Lecture 74 - Oil water separation, electrical systems
Lecture 75 - Bilge water flocculant
Lecture 76 - Gravity OWS
Lecture 77 - Centrifuge
Lecture 78 - Membrane Technologies
Lecture 79 - Electrical systems
Lecture 80 - Motor
Lecture 1 - Course Overview
Lecture 2 - Basics of Thermodynamics
Lecture 3 - Work and Heat transfer
Lecture 4 - Second law of thermodynamics
Lecture 5 - Reversible Heat Engine
Lecture 6 - Basic mode of heat transfer
Lecture 7 - Conduction
Lecture 8 - Convection
Lecture 9 - Radiation
Lecture 10 - Concept of Resistance
Lecture 11 - Heat flow through pipes and walls
Lecture 12 - Heat Exchangers
Lecture 13 - Fins
Lecture 14 - LMTD
Lecture 15 - Pumps and its types
Lecture 16 - Centrifugal pump
Lecture 17 - Characteristic curves of pumps
Lecture 18 - Cavitation
Lecture 19 - Positive displacement pump
Lecture 20 - Pumps in series/parallel
Lecture 21 - Compressors
Lecture 22 - Intercooler
Lecture 23 - Rankine cycle
Lecture 24 - Injectors and Pumps
Lecture 25 - Numerical problem
Lecture 26 - Boilers
Lecture 27 - Fouling and Scaling
Lecture 28 - Fuel and method of firing
Lecture 29 - Boiler efficiency
Lecture 30 - Turbine Basics
Lecture 31 - Turbine aerodynamics
Lecture 32 - Cascade view and Meridional view
Lecture 33 - Impulse and Reaction Turbine
Lecture 34 - Steam Turbine
Lecture 35 - Regenerative thermal power plant
Lecture 36 - Mollier diagram
Lecture 37 - IC Engines
Lecture 38 - Otto/Diesel Cycle
Lecture 39 - Components of IC engines - Part 1
Lecture 40 - Components of IC engines - Part 2
Lecture 41 - Fuel Injection/Scavenging
Lecture 42 - IC engine: Numerical problems
Lecture 43 - IC Engine - Fuel
Lecture 44 - Marine Fuel and Properties
Lecture 45 - Combustion
Lecture 46 - Fuel Oil properties
Lecture 47 - Lubrication/Cooling
Lecture 48 - IC engine-Numerical Problems
Lecture 49 - Gas turbine - Basics
Lecture 50 - Gas turbine - Basics (Continued...)
Lecture 51 - Gas turbine, formula, calculations
Lecture 52 - Gas turbine: Regeneration, Reheat, Intercooling
Lecture 53 - Numerical Problems
Lecture 54 - Binary cycle/Rankine-Brayton cycle
Lecture 55 - Numerical problems
Lecture 56 - HVAC- Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
Lecture 57 - Refrigerants
Lecture 58 - Vapor compression Reffrigeration system
Lecture 59 - HVAC - VCRC components
Lecture 60 - HVAC - Psychrometric
Lecture 61 - HVAC - Numerical problems
Lecture 62 - Fire Fighting Machinery
Lecture 63 - Desalination
Lecture 64 - Energy recovery device (ERD)
Lecture 65 - Desalination/Fire fighting/Numerical problems
Lecture 66 - Numerical problems
Lecture 67 - Steering gear/propeller/rudder/incin
Lecture 68 - Power transmission system, shafting, bearing, gear, lubrication, Electric propulsion
Lecture 69 - Stern Tube Bearings and Misalignment
Lecture 70 - Shaft
Lecture 71 - Shaft Design
Lecture 72 - Gears
Lecture 73 - Seals and Bearings
Lecture 74 - Oil water separation, electrical systems
Lecture 75 - Bilge water flocculant
Lecture 76 - Gravity OWS
Lecture 77 - Centrifuge
Lecture 78 - Membrane Technologies
Lecture 79 - Electrical systems
Lecture 80 - Motor
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Marine Engineering
Lecture 2 - Basics of Thermodynamics
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