Lecture 1 - Introduction
Lecture 2 - Properties of Materials
Lecture 3 - Thermal Expansion
Lecture 4 - Measuring Electrical Conductivity: DC and AC
Lecture 5 - Free Electron Gas
Lecture 6 - The Ideal Gas
Lecture 7 - Drude Model: Electrical Conductivity
Lecture 8 - Drude Model: Thermal Conductivity
Lecture 9 - Drude Model: Successes and Limitations
Lecture 10 - Drude Model: Source of Shortcomings
Lecture 11 - Large Systems and Statistical Mechanics
Lecture 12 - Maxwell Boltzmann Statistics
Lecture 13 - Classical Particles and Quantum Particles
Lecture 14 - History of Quantum Mechanics - 1
Lecture 15 - History of Quantum Mechanics - 2
Lecture 16 - Introduction to Drude Sommerfeld model
Lecture 17 - Fermi-Dirac Statistics - Part 1
Lecture 18 - Fermi-Dirac Statistics - Part 2
Lecture 19 - Features of the Fermi Dirac Distribution Function
Lecture 20 - Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution Vs Fermi-Dirac Distribution
Lecture 21 - Anisotropy and Periodic Potential in a Solid
Lecture 22 - Confinement and Quantization - Part 1
Lecture 23 - Confinement and Quantization - Part 2
Lecture 24 - Density of States
Lecture 25 - Fermi Energy, Fermi Surface, Fermi Temperature
Lecture 26 - Electronic Contribution to Specific Heat at Constant Volume
Lecture 27 - Reciprocal Space-1: Introduction to Reciprocal Space
Lecture 28 - Reciprocal Space-2: Condition for Diffraction
Lecture 29 - Reciprocal Space-3: Ewald sphere, Simple Cubic, FCC and BCC in Reciprocal Space
Lecture 30 - Wigner Seitz Cell and Introduction to Brillouin Zones
Lecture 31 - Brillouin Zones, Diffraction, and Allowed Energy Levels
Lecture 32 - E Vs k, Brillouin Zones and the Origin of Bands
Lecture 33 - Calculating Allowed Energy Bands and Forbidden Band Gaps
Lecture 34 - Bands; Free Electron Approximation, Tight Binding Approximation
Lecture 35 - Semiconductors
Lecture 36 - Magnetic Properties
Lecture 37 - Electron Compounds; Phonons, Optoelectronic Materials
Lecture 38 - Superconductivity
Lecture 39 - Bose-Einstein Statistics
Lecture 40 - Physics of Nano Scale Materials; Course Summary
Lecture 1 - Introduction
Lecture 2 - Properties of Materials
Lecture 3 - Thermal Expansion
Lecture 4 - Measuring Electrical Conductivity: DC and AC
Lecture 5 - Free Electron Gas
Lecture 6 - The Ideal Gas
Lecture 7 - Drude Model: Electrical Conductivity
Lecture 8 - Drude Model: Thermal Conductivity
Lecture 9 - Drude Model: Successes and Limitations
Lecture 10 - Drude Model: Source of Shortcomings
Lecture 11 - Large Systems and Statistical Mechanics
Lecture 12 - Maxwell Boltzmann Statistics
Lecture 13 - Classical Particles and Quantum Particles
Lecture 14 - History of Quantum Mechanics - 1
Lecture 15 - History of Quantum Mechanics - 2
Lecture 16 - Introduction to Drude Sommerfeld model
Lecture 17 - Fermi-Dirac Statistics - Part 1
Lecture 18 - Fermi-Dirac Statistics - Part 2
Lecture 19 - Features of the Fermi Dirac Distribution Function
Lecture 20 - Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution Vs Fermi-Dirac Distribution
Lecture 21 - Anisotropy and Periodic Potential in a Solid
Lecture 22 - Confinement and Quantization - Part 1
Lecture 23 - Confinement and Quantization - Part 2
Lecture 24 - Density of States
Lecture 25 - Fermi Energy, Fermi Surface, Fermi Temperature
Lecture 26 - Electronic Contribution to Specific Heat at Constant Volume
Lecture 27 - Reciprocal Space-1: Introduction to Reciprocal Space
Lecture 28 - Reciprocal Space-2: Condition for Diffraction
Lecture 29 - Reciprocal Space-3: Ewald sphere, Simple Cubic, FCC and BCC in Reciprocal Space
Lecture 30 - Wigner Seitz Cell and Introduction to Brillouin Zones
Lecture 31 - Brillouin Zones, Diffraction, and Allowed Energy Levels
Lecture 32 - E Vs k, Brillouin Zones and the Origin of Bands
Lecture 33 - Calculating Allowed Energy Bands and Forbidden Band Gaps
Lecture 34 - Bands; Free Electron Approximation, Tight Binding Approximation
Lecture 35 - Semiconductors
Lecture 36 - Magnetic Properties
Lecture 37 - Electron Compounds; Phonons, Optoelectronic Materials
Lecture 38 - Superconductivity
Lecture 39 - Bose-Einstein Statistics
Lecture 40 - Physics of Nano Scale Materials; Course Summary
NPTEL Video Course : Physics of Materials
Lecture 7 - Drude Model: Electrical Conductivity
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