Lecture 1 - Introduction, Classification and Uses of Metals
Lecture 2 - Introduction, Classification and Uses of Metals (Continued...)
Lecture 3 - Occurrence/Source of Metals
Lecture 4 - Metal Extraction Process Overview
Lecture 5 - Mineral Beneficiation: Overview and Mass Balances
Lecture 6 - Crushing and Grinding (Comminution)
Lecture 7 - Mineral Classification: Separation in Flowing Fluid
Lecture 8 - Mineral Concentration by Froth Flotation
Lecture 9 - Mineral Concentration by Froth Flotation
Lecture 10 - Magnetic and Electric Separation/Concentration
Lecture 11 - Sensor-based/Automatic Ore Sorting
Lecture 12 - Solid-Liquid Separation
Lecture 13 - Particle Size Estimation and Screening
Lecture 14 - Fuels in Metallurgical Processes and Coal Characteritics
Lecture 15 - Calorific Value and Caking Properties of Coal
Lecture 16 - Coke: Making and Properties
Lecture 17 - Combustion of Fuels
Lecture 18 - Combustion: Mass and Heat Balance
Lecture 19 - Combustion Heat Balance: Flame Temperature
Lecture 20 - Combustion Heat Utilization in Furnace
Lecture 21 - Heat Utilization in Furnace: Numerical Examples
Lecture 22 - Classification of Furnaces
Lecture 23 - Refractories for Furnace Linings
Lecture 24 - Refractories: Testing and Production
Lecture 25 - Agglomeration of Fines: Pelletization and Briquetting
Lecture 26 - Agglomeration of Fines: Sintering
Lecture 27 - Extraction of Metal from Sulfides: Roasting
Lecture 28 - Roasting Reactors and Heat Balance
Lecture 29 - Roasting: Predominance Area Diagram
Lecture 30 - Roasting: Application of Predominance Area Diagram
Lecture 31 - Reduction Smelting and Matte Smelting
Lecture 32 - Metallurgical Slag
Lecture 33 - Slag Viscosity, Surface Tention and Theories
Lecture 34 - Slag: Masson and Molecular Theory, Numerical Examples
Lecture 35 - Copper Extraction: Matte Smelting
Lecture 36 - Copper Extraction: Flash Smelting
Lecture 37 - Cu Extraction: Cyclone Flash Smelting and Numerical Examples
Lecture 38 - Cu Extraction: Conversion
Lecture 39 - Conversion of Nickel Sulphide and Numerical Examples
Lecture 40 - TSL Smelting, Continuous Conversion and Direct Cu-Production
Lecture 41 - Reduction Smelting: Lead Extraction
Lecture 42 - Reduction Smelting: Zinc Extraction and ISP
Lecture 43 - Extraction of Thin, Tungsten, Molybdenum and Numerical Examples
Lecture 44 - Extraction of Nb, V, Ferroalloys and Titania (from llmenite)
Lecture 45 - Silicothermy: Pyrometallurgical Magnesium Extraction
Lecture 46 - Reduction Smelting: Iron Extraction in Blast Furnace
Lecture 47 - Alternative Routes of Iron Extraction
Lecture 48 - Halide Metallurgy: Extraction of Ti, Zr, Hf, U, Si Purification
Lecture 49 - Purification of Bulk Metals: Chemical Refining
Lecture 50 - Chemical Refining: Purification of Lead
Lecture 51 - Chemical Refining of Zinc, Tin, Nickel, Ti (Zr, Hf, Th)
Lecture 52 - Physical Refining: Vacuum De-gassing, Zone Melting and Distillation
Lecture 53 - Hydrometallurgy: Unit Steps, Leaching Reagents and Methods
Lecture 54 - Physiochemical Aspect of Leaching, Bacterial Leaching, S/L Separation
Lecture 55 - Hydrometallurgy: Solution Purification and Metal Ion Reduction
Lecture 56 - Hydrometallurgy: Cementation, Electrowinning, Au Extraction and Bayer Process
Lecture 57 - Electrometallurgy: Electrowinning, Electrorefining, Current and Energy Efficiency
Lecture 58 - Electrometallurgy: Extraction of Mg and Al
Lecture 59 - Environmental Concern and Sustainable Metal Extraction
Lecture 60 - New Development in Metal Extraction: Solvometallurgy, Bio-Metallurgy, Membrane Technology
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Principles of Extractive Metallurgy
Lecture 24 - Refractories: Testing and Production
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