Lecture 1 - Recap of Electrochemical Polarization
Lecture 2 - Recap of Electrochemical Polarization - Activation and Concentration Polarization
Lecture 3 - Electrochemical Polarization: Activation and Concentration Polarization, Tafel Equation
Lecture 4 - Activation and Concentration Polarization: Mixed Potential Theory
Lecture 5 - Concentration Polarization and Mixed Potential Theory
Lecture 6 - Explanation of Corrosion Processes on the basis of Mixed Potential Theory - Introduction
Lecture 7 - Explanation of Corrosion Processes on the basis of Mixed Potential Theory - Part 1
Lecture 8 - Explanation of Corrosion Processes on the basis of Mixed Potential Theory - Part 2
Lecture 9 - Explanation of Corrosion Processes on the basis of Mixed Potential Theory - Part 2 (Continued...)
Lecture 10 - Explanation of Corrosion Processes on the basis of Mixed Potential Theory - Part 3
Lecture 11 - Effect of Exchange Current Density on Corrosion Rate of an Active Metal
Lecture 12 - Area Effect of the Cathodic and Anodic Component - I
Lecture 13 - Area Effect of the Cathodic and Anodic Component - II
Lecture 14 - Explanation of Corrosion Processess on the Basis of Mixed Potential Theory: Numerical Analysis
Lecture 15 - Galvanic Coupling between Two Active Metals
Lecture 16 - Theory of Sacrificial Anode for the Protection of Steel Objects
Lecture 17 - Effect of two Active Metals on Fe-corrosion when they are Galvanically Coupled
Lecture 18 - Corrosion of Metals when Cathodic Protection is Concentration Controlled
Lecture 19 - Effect of Velocity on the Corrosion Rate of an Active Metal
Lecture 20 - Concentration Polarization and Activation Polarization: Numerical Analysis
Lecture 21 - Numerical Problems and Passivation
Lecture 22 - Theory of Passivation - I
Lecture 23 - Theory of Passivation - II
Lecture 24 - Interaction between Passivation and Pourbaix Diagram - I
Lecture 25 - Interaction between Passivation and Pourbaix Diagram - II
Lecture 26 - Passivity
Lecture 27 - Interaction of Cathodic Polarization with an Active-Passive Metal
Lecture 28 - Interaction of Anodic Polarization with an Active-Passive Metal
Lecture 29 - Passivation and Mixed Potential Theory: Case Studies
Lecture 30 - Passivation and Mixed Potential Theory: Case Studies (Continued...)
Lecture 31 - Effect of Galvanic Coupling between an Active-Passive Metal and a Noble Metal
Lecture 32 - Anodic Protection of an Active-Passive Metal and an Introduction of Linear Polarization
Lecture 33 - Linear Polarization and Understanding Relative Corrosion Resistance of a Metal
Lecture 34 - Oxidation of Metals and Alloys
Lecture 35 - Different Stages of Oxidation and Pilling Bedworth Ratio
Lecture 36 - Pilling Bedworth Ratio of Different Metal Oxides
Lecture 37 - Thermodynamics of Oxidation
Lecture 38 - Construction of Ellingham Diagram - I
Lecture 39 - Construction of Ellingham Diagram - II
Lecture 40 - Kinetics of Oxidation
Lecture 41 - Oxide Structure and Oxidation Mechanism
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Corrosion - Part II
Lecture 7 - Explanation of Corrosion Processes on the basis of Mixed Potential Theory - Part 1
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