Lecture 1 - Introduction to Heat Treatment and Importance of Material Tetrahedron
Lecture 2 - Case studies in reference to Material tetrahedron T/t information and processing
Lecture 3 - Few more case studies in reference to processing with T/t modification
Lecture 4 - Critical Definition and Phase Transformation Thermodynamics and Driving Force
Lecture 5 - Thermodynamics of Phase Transformation Driving force of Phase Transformation
Lecture 6 - Thermodynamics of Phase Transformation and Driving Force for Phase Transformation
Lecture 7 - Finding Value of Driving Force (?G) and Single Component (liquid-solid)
Lecture 8 - Finding Value of Driving Force (?G) and Nucleation Single Component (liquid-solid)
Lecture 9 - Nucleation Treatment Single Component (Solid-Liquid) - I
Lecture 10 - Nucleation Treatment Single Component (Solid-Liquid) - II
Lecture 11 - Solved Problem on Nucleation rate and How to determine the value of ?sl Physical Concept & Interfacial Energy
Lecture 12 - How to determine the value of ?sl (Physical Concept and Interfacial Energy)
Lecture 13 - Interfacial Energy - I
Lecture 14 - Interfacial Energy - II
Lecture 15 - Heterogeneous Nucleation - I
Lecture 16 - Heterogeneous Nucleation - II
Lecture 17 - Solid - Solid Transformation and Nucleation rate - I
Lecture 18 - Solid - Solid Transformation and Nucleation rate - II
Lecture 19 - Phase Diagram and G vs X plot - I
Lecture 20 - Phase Diagram and G vs X plot - II
Lecture 21 - Phase Diagram and G vs X plot - III
Lecture 22 - Introduction to Kinetics of Phase Transformation
Lecture 23 - Variation of ?G* and r* with Undercooling
Lecture 24 - Nucleation rate - I
Lecture 25 - Nucleation Rate - II
Lecture 26 - Critical Undercooling
Lecture 27 - Maximum nucleation rate for homogeneous nucleation
Lecture 28 - Maximum nucleation rate for heterogeneous nucleation
Lecture 29 - Nucleation kinetics in solid state
Lecture 30 - Interface controlled growth
Lecture 31 - Diffusion controlled growth
Lecture 32 - Avrami Kinetics - I
Lecture 33 - Avrami Kinetics - II
Lecture 34 - Avrami Kinetics - III
Lecture 35 - Time-Temperature-Transformation (TTT) diagram
Lecture 36 - Diffusion in Solids - I
Lecture 37 - Diffusion in Solids - II
Lecture 38 - Diffusion in Solids - III
Lecture 39 - Diffusion in Solids - IV
Lecture 40 - Applications of heat treatment
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Heat Treatment and Surface Hardening - I
Lecture 26 - Critical Undercooling
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