Lecture 1 - Introduction to basic concepts of Biomaterials Science; Salient properties of important material classes; overview of body environment,
Lecture 2 - Manufacturing and properties of metals, ceramics, polymers and composites
Lecture 3 - Concept of biocompatibility, host response, structure-property of biological cell
Lecture 4 - Structure and properties of cells, protein and cellular adaptation process
Lecture 5 - Cell-I
Lecture 6 - Cell-II
Lecture 7 - Cell Migration and Cell Division and cell death
Lecture 8 - Cell Differentiation and Cell Death
Lecture 9 - Cell Apoptosis-I
Lecture 10 - Cell Apoptosis-II
Lecture 11 - Structure and properties of Protein; cell - material interaction
Lecture 12 - Assessment of biocompatibility of biomaterials
Lecture 13 - Biological testing (hemocompatibility, tribological testing)
Lecture 14 - Structure and properties of bone as well as in vivo testing and histocompatibility assessment
Lecture 15 - Important biometallic alloys
Lecture 16 - Ti Alloy
Lecture 17 - Co-Cr-Mo alloys
Lecture 18 - Bioceramics
Lecture 19 - Processing of Bioceramics
Lecture 20 - Ceramics, Bioceramics and Glasses
Lecture 21 - Sintering and mechanical properties of ceramics
Lecture 22 - Fracture and toughening of ceramic composites
Lecture 23 - Development of based bioceramic composites for hard tissue replacement
Lecture 24 - Alternative phosphate materials, based composites with bactericidal property and glass ceramics for dental restoration
Lecture 25 - Electrostatic Spraying of UHMWPE-HA-CNT composites
Lecture 26 - Thin Films and Coatings
Lecture 27 - hermal Spray Coatings
Lecture 28 - Biocompatibility of plasma sprayed CNT reinforced Hydroxyapatite biocomposite coatings
Lecture 29 - Biocompatibility of Alumina and CNT reinforced Hydroxyapatite
Lecture 30 - Glass-ceramics for dental restoration applications
Lecture 31 - Structure and properties of polymers
Lecture 32 - Biodegradable polymers (Importance)
Lecture 33 - Biodegradable polymers (Types)
Lecture 34 - Mechanisms of Bioerosion
Lecture 35 - External field and material interaction
Lecture 36 - Tissue Engineering and wound healing
Lecture 37 - Understanding Design Concepts of Bio-implants
Lecture 38 - Understanding Design Concepts of Dental-implants
Lecture 39 - Understanding Design Concepts of Orthopedic-implant
NPTEL Video Course : Introduction to Biomaterials
Lecture 39 - Understanding Design Concepts of Orthopedic-implant
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