Lecture 1 - Course outline
Lecture 2 - Vectorial representation of forces and moments
Lecture 3 - Couple moment and reduction of a force system to a force and a couple
Lecture 4 - Examples of couple moment
Lecture 5 - Examples: moment in three dimensions
Lecture 6 - Free body diagram and support reactions
Lecture 7 - Equilibrium of rigid bodies in two and three dimensions
Lecture 8 - Examples: Equilibrium of rigid bodies in two dimensions
Lecture 9 - Examples: Equilibrium of rigid bodies in three dimensions
Lecture 10 - Examples: Beams and distributed loads
Lecture 11 - Flexible Cable
Lecture 12 - Flexible Cable, Catenary curve
Lecture 13 - Examples: Parabolic and Catenary cables
Lecture 14 - Flexible Cable: Concentrated load
Lecture 15 - Structures: Plane Trusses
Lecture 16 - Analysis of trusses: Method of joints
Lecture 17 - Analysis of trusses: Method of sections
Lecture 18 - Shear force and bending moment
Lecture 19 - Shear force and bending moment: distributed load
Lecture 20 - Principle of virtual work
Lecture 21 - Principle of virtual work: examples - I
Lecture 22 - Principle of virtual work: examples - II
Lecture 23 - Stable and unstable equilibrium
Lecture 24 - Friction
Lecture 25 - Friction: examples
Lecture 26 - Rope and belt friction
Lecture 27 - Rope and belt friction: examples
Lecture 28 - Rolling resistance
Lecture 29 - Revision: static
Lecture 30 - Coordinate systems: Cartesian and planar polar coordinates
Lecture 31 - Coordinate systems: spherical coordinates
Lecture 32 - Coordinate systems: cylindrical coordinates
Lecture 33 - Cartesian and planar polar coordinates: examples
Lecture 34 - Spherical and cylindrical coordinates: examples
Lecture 35 - Equation of motion in different coordinate systems
Lecture 36 - Equation of motion: examples
Lecture 37 - Work energy method
Lecture 38 - Work energy method: examples
Lecture 39 - Impulse momentum relation
Lecture 40 - Variable mass
Lecture 41 - Direct central impact
Lecture 42 - Oblique central impact
Lecture 43 - Moment of inertia
Lecture 44 - Moment of inertia: examples
Lecture 45 - Moment of inertia of composite bodies
Lecture 46 - Product of inertia and principal axes of inertia
Lecture 47 - Principal axes of inertia: examples - I
Lecture 48 - Principal axes of inertia: examples - II
Lecture 49 - Harmonic oscillator: simple harmonic motion
Lecture 50 - Simple harmonic motion: examples
Lecture 51 - Damped harmonic oscillator
Lecture 52 - Translation and rotation of rigid bodies
Lecture 53 - Translation and rotation of rigid bodies: examples
Lecture 54 - Plane motion of a rigid body
Lecture 55 - Plane motion of a rigid body: work energy equation
Lecture 56 - Plane motion of a rigid body: impulse-momentum equation
Lecture 57 - Three-dimensional dynamics of rigid bodies: angular momentum
Lecture 58 - Euler’s equations of motion
Lecture 59 - Euler’s equations of motion: examples
Lecture 60 - Revision: Dynamics
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Mechanics
Lecture 50 - Simple harmonic motion: examples
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