Lecture 1 - Introduction to Metal Forming Technology
Lecture 2 - Classification of Metal Working Processes
Lecture 3 - Behavior of Materials
Lecture 4 - Failure of Materials
Lecture 5 - Concept of stress and strain
Lecture 6 - Description of stress
Lecture 7 - State of stress in three dimension
Lecture 8 - Description of strain
Lecture 9 - Hydrostatic and deviator components of stress and strain
Lecture 10 - Elastic stress strain relationships
Lecture 11 - Introduction to theory of plasticity and flow curve
Lecture 12 - True stress and true strain
Lecture 13 - Yield criteria for ductile materials
Lecture 14 - Yield locus, Octahedral shear stress and strain
Lecture 15 - Plastic stress strain relationships
Lecture 16 - Measures of yielding and ductility in tensile testing
Lecture 17 - Instability in tension
Lecture 18 - Strain rate effects on flow properties
Lecture 19 - Temperature effects on flow properties
Lecture 20 - Influence of various parameters on flow properties
Lecture 21 - Classification of metal working processes
Lecture 22 - Mechanics of metalworking and analysis methods
Lecture 23 - Determination of flow stresses in metal working
Lecture 24 - Hot working and cold working
Lecture 25 - Metallurgical considerations in metal forming
Lecture 26 - Introduction and classification of forging processes
Lecture 27 - Equipments used in forging
Lecture 28 - Forging in plane strain
Lecture 29 - Introduction and classification of rolling processes
Lecture 30 - Analysis of rolling load calculations
Lecture 31 - Defects in rolled and forged products
Lecture 32 - Introduction and classification of extrusion processes
Lecture 33 - Analysis of extrusion processes
Lecture 34 - Extrusion of tubes and pipes, extrusion defect
Lecture 35 - Introduction to rod and wire drawing
Lecture 36 - Analysis of wire drawing and tube drawing processes
Lecture 37 - Sheet metal operations - I
Lecture 38 - Sheet metal operations - II
Lecture 39 - Powder metallurgy forming - I
Lecture 40 - Powder metallurgy forming - II
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Principles of Metal Forming Technology
Lecture 4 - Failure of Materials
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