Lecture 1 - Introduction, Learning Objectives, Course Content and References
Lecture 2 - Merits and Demerits of Fluid Power, Power Transmission Method
Lecture 3 - Brief History, Application Areas, Major Divisions of Fluid Power System
Lecture 4 - Introduction to Oil Hydraulics and its Basic Components
Lecture 5 - Introduction to Pneumatic and its Basic Components, Applications-Stationary and Mobile
Lecture 6 - Typical Application of Fluid Power System, Status and Development
Lecture 7 - Pascal's law and its application-Hydraulic jack, Hydraulic brake and Numerical
Lecture 8 - Pressure Intensifier, Numericals, Air-to-Hydraulic Booster and Bernoulli equation
Lecture 9 - Applications of Bernoulli equation-Venturi,Torricelli's theorem, Siphon, Continuity equation and flow configuration, Concept of pressures and Gas laws
Lecture 10 - Introduction to Fluid Power Symbols, Hydraulic lines and Color Coding
Lecture 11 - Symbols for Functional Units, Hydraulic Pumps, Hydraulic Motors, Cylinders, Air Compressors, Pneumatic Motors and Orifices
Lecture 12 - Symbols for Filters, Check Valves, DCVs, Spool Actuation methods, PCV, Miscellaneous, Port Configurations
Lecture 13 - Introduction to Hydraulic Pumps, Facts and Figures, Classifications
Lecture 14 - Positive Displacement pump and pumping theory
Lecture 15 - Ideal pump, pump losses, efficiency curve, Constructional features and Operations of External Gear pump
Lecture 16 - Construction features and operations of Internal Gear Pump, Gerotor Pump and Screw Pump
Lecture 17 - Numericals on Gear Pump, Tree Structure of Vane Pump
Lecture 18 - Vane Pump, Pumping theory, Construction and Operation of Unbalanced Vane Pump, Vane loading and solutions, Different Vanes
Lecture 19 - Variable Displacement Pressure Compensated Vane Pump, Balance Vane Pump, Kinematic Inversion of Vane pump and Numerical
Lecture 20 - Piston pump, Pumping theory, Constructional features and Operations of Hand Pump-Single acting, Twin single acting, Double acting, Two-stage
Lecture 21 - Axial Piston Pump- Construction and Operating principles of Bent axis and Swash plate type pump
Lecture 22 - Radial Piston Pumps- Construction and Operation, Pump failure and Cavitations, Important parameters while selecting Pump, Numerical
Lecture 23 - Pneumatic Control System-Introduction, Air preparation-Primary and Secondary Air Treatment
Lecture 24 - Pneumatic Power Source- Compressor, Classification, Air Receiver and Control Methods
Lecture 25 - Reciprocating Type Air Compressor-Single and Multi-stage Piston Pump, PV Diagram and Work Done
Lecture 26 - Construction and Operation of Two-stage Reciprocating type Air Compressor, Diaphragm Type Air Compressor, Rotary Vane Compressor, Twin Lobe Air compressor, Screw Compressor, Liquid Ring Compressor and Selection Criteria
Lecture 27 - Energy Loss and Cost Break Down in Air Preparation Process, Pressure Drop and its Effect
Lecture 28 - What causes Pressure Drop ?, Minimising Pressure Drop, Air Distribution System- Sizing of Pipes, Tubes, Materials and Fittings, Important Air Flow Parameters
Lecture 29 - Pressure drop Predictions using Various Empirical Formulae and Nomogram, Best Practices for Compressed Air Piping System and Installation Tips
Lecture 30 - Need for Air Dryer, Analysis of Moisture Removal from Air, Typical Air Drying Methods, Basic Types of Air Dryers
Lecture 31 - Construction and Operation of Refrigerated Air dyers, Absorption Dryer, Adsorption Dryer, Membrane Dryer, How to Choose the Right Air Dryer?
Lecture 32 - Directional Control Valves
Lecture 33 - Directional Control Valves
Lecture 34 - Directional Control Valves
Lecture 35 - Directional Control Valves
Lecture 36 - Directional Control Valves
Lecture 37 - Pressure Control Valves
Lecture 38 - Pressure Control Valves
Lecture 39 - Pressure Control Valves
Lecture 40 - Flow Control Valves
Lecture 41 - Flow Control Valves
Lecture 42 - Flow Control Valves
Lecture 43 - Estimation of leakage through spool and housing bore and Numericals on DCV, PCV and FCV
Lecture 44 - Estimation of leakage through spool and housing bore and Numericals on DCV, PCV and FCV
Lecture 45 - Hydraulic Motors
Lecture 46 - Hydraulic Motors
Lecture 47 - Hydraulic Motors
Lecture 48 - Hydraulic Motors
Lecture 49 - Hydraulic Motors
Lecture 50 - Hydraulic Motors
Lecture 51 - Hydraulic Cylinders
Lecture 52 - Hydraulic Cylinders
Lecture 53 - Hydraulic Cylinders
Lecture 54 - Hydraulic Cylinders
Lecture 55 - Hydraulic Cylinders
Lecture 56 - Numericals on Fluid Power Actuators
Lecture 57 - Numericals on Fluid Power Actuators
Lecture 58 - Subsystems: Hydraulic Reservoir, Coolers and Filters
Lecture 59 - Subsystems: Hydraulic Reservoir, Coolers and Filters
Lecture 60 - Subsystems: Hydraulic Reservoir, Coolers and Filters
Lecture 61 - Subsystems: Hydraulic Fluids, Conduits and Simple Numericals
Lecture 62 - Subsystems: Hydraulic Fluids, Conduits and Simple Numericals
Lecture 63 - Subsystems: Hydraulic Fluids, Conduits and Simple Numericals
Lecture 64 - Subsystems: Hydraulic accumulators, Classifications, Applications, Accumulator physics, Maintenance, Numericals
Lecture 65 - Subsystems: Hydraulic accumulators, Classifications, Applications, Accumulator physics, Maintenance, Numericals
Lecture 66 - Subsystems: Hydraulic accumulators, Classifications, Applications, Accumulator physics, Maintenance, Numericals
Lecture 67 - Oil Hydraulic Circuits: Design and Analysis
Lecture 68 - Oil Hydraulic Circuits: Design and Analysis
Lecture 69 - Oil Hydraulic Circuits: Design and Analysis
Lecture 70 - Task Based Selection and Analysis of Oil Hydraulic Circuits
Lecture 71 - Task Based Selection and Analysis of Oil Hydraulic Circuits
Lecture 72 - Task Based Selection and Analysis of Oil Hydraulic Circuits
Lecture 73 - Task Based Selection and Analysis of Oil Hydraulic Circuits
Lecture 74 - Pneumatic Circuits: Design and Analysis
Lecture 75 - Pneumatic Circuits: Design and Analysis
Lecture 76 - Pneumatic Circuits: Design and Analysis
Lecture 77 - Pneumatic Circuits: Design and Analysis of Multiple Actuators
Lecture 78 - Pneumatic Circuits: Design and Analysis of Multiple Actuators
Lecture 79 - Pneumatic Circuits: Design and Analysis of Multiple Actuators
Lecture 80 - Pump-controlled Hydraulic Systems
Lecture 81 - Pump-controlled Hydraulic Systems
Lecture 82 - Pump-controlled Hydraulic Systems
Lecture 83 - Hydrostatic Transmissions
Lecture 84 - Hydrostatic Transmissions
Lecture 85 - Hydrostatic Transmissions
Lecture 86 - Proportional Valve Technology
Lecture 87 - Proportional Valve Technology
Lecture 88 - Proportional Valve Technology
Lecture 89 - Electro Hydraulic Servo Valve (EHSV)
Lecture 90 - Electro Hydraulic Servo Valve (EHSV)
Lecture 91 - Electro Hydraulic Servo Valve (EHSV)
Lecture 92 - Electro-Hydraulic Actuator (EHA)
Lecture 93 - Electro-Hydraulic Actuator (EHA)
Lecture 94 - Modeling and Simulation in Hydraulic Components
Lecture 95 - Modeling and Simulation in Hydraulic Components
Lecture 96 - Modeling and Simulation in Hydraulic Components
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Oil Hydraulics and Pneumatics
Lecture 2 - Merits and Demerits of Fluid Power, Power Transmission Method
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