Lecture 1 - Fuel and their properties - Part 1
Lecture 2 - Fuel and their properties - Part 2 - Gaseous and Liquid fuels
Lecture 3 - Fuel and their properties - Part 3 - Liquid and Solid fuels
Lecture 4 - Review of basic thermodynamics of ideal gas mixtures - Part 1
Lecture 5 - Review of basic thermodynamics of ideal gas mixtures - Part 2
Lecture 6 - Stoichiometry - Part 1
Lecture 7 - Stoichiometry - Part 2 - Worked Examples
Lecture 8 - Stoichiometry - Part 3 - Worked Examples (Continued...)
Lecture 9 - First law and Second law of thermodynamics applied to combustion - Part 1 - Heat Calculation
Lecture 10 - First law and Second law of thermodynamics applied to combustion - Part 2 - Enthalpy Calculation
Lecture 11 - First law and Second law of thermodynamics applied to combustion - Part 3 - Calculation of flame temperature
Lecture 12 - First law and Second law of thermodynamics applied to combustion - Part 4 - Chemical equilibrium
Lecture 13 - First law and Second law of thermodynamics applied to combustion - Part 5 - Chemical equilibrium (Continued...)
Lecture 14 - First law and Second law of thermodynamics applied to combustion - Part 6 - Worked examples
Lecture 15 - First law and Second law of thermodynamics applied to combustion - Part 7 - Worked examples (Continued...)
Lecture 16 - Mass transfer basics - Part 1 - Fundamentals
Lecture 17 - Mass transfer basics - Part 2 - Calculation of diffusion velocity
Lecture 18 - Mass transfer basics - Part 3 - Steady evaporation (The Stefan Problem)
Lecture 19 - Mass transfer basics - Part 4 - Steady evaporation of liquid droplet and Worked examples
Lecture 20 - Fundamentals of combustion kinetics - Part 1 - Global and elementary reactions
Lecture 21 - Fundamentals of combustion kinetics - Part 2 - Reaction rates and equilibrium constant
Lecture 22 - Fundamentals of combustion kinetics - Part 3 - Steady state and partial equilibrium approximation
Lecture 23 - Fundamentals of combustion kinetics - Part 4 - Worked examples
Lecture 24 - Governing equations for reacting flow - Part 1 - Continuity, momentum and species conservation equations
Lecture 25 - Governing equations for reacting flow - Part 2 - The energy equation
Lecture 26 - Governing equations for reacting flow - Part 3 - Estimation of thermo-physical properties and control of combustion phenomena
Lecture 27 - Governing equations for reacting flow - Part 4 - Control of combustion phenomena and simplified chemically reacting system
Lecture 28 - Governing equations for reacting flow - Part 5 - Conserved scalars and mixture fraction approach
Lecture 29 - Characteristics of combustion flame and detonation - Part 1
Lecture 30 - Characteristics of combustion flame and detonation - Part 2
Lecture 31 - Characteristics of combustion flame and detonation - Part 3 - Rankine-Hugoniot relation
Lecture 32 - Characteristics of combustion flame and detonation - Part 4 - Estimation of detonation velocity and Worked examples
Lecture 33 - Laminar Premixed Flames - Part 1 - Laminar flame propagation
Lecture 34 - Laminar Premixed Flames - Part 2 - Laminar flame speed variation and Structure of premixed flames
Lecture 35 - Laminar Premixed Flames - Part 3 - Flammability limits and Premixed flame theory
Lecture 36 - Laminar Premixed Flames - Part 4 - Estimation of laminar flame speed
Lecture 37 - Laminar Premixed Flames - Part 5 - Ignition of premixed mixture (Semenov's Analysis)
Lecture 38 - Laminar Premixed Flames - Part 6 - Piloted ignition and Flame quenching
Lecture 39 - Laminar Premixed Flames - Part 7 - Premixed flame stability
Lecture 40 - Laminar Premixed Flames - Part 8 - Stability Maps and Worked examples
Lecture 41 - Laminar Diffusion Flames - Part 1 - Theory of gas jets
Lecture 42 - Laminar Diffusion Flames - Part 2 - Analysis of gas jets and jet diffusion flames
Lecture 43 - Laminar Diffusion Flames - Part 3 - Diffusion flame characteristics and flame structure
Lecture 44 - Laminar Diffusion Flames - Part 4 - Diffusion flame structure and Flame regimes
Lecture 45 - Laminar Diffusion Flames - Part 5 - Diffusion flame regimes and Flame height correlations
Lecture 46 - Laminar Diffusion Flames - Part 6 - Diffusion flame control
Lecture 47 - Laminar Diffusion Flames - Part 7 - Diffusion flame configurations (coflow, crossflow and opposed flow flames)
Lecture 48 - Laminar Diffusion Flames - Part 8 - Diffusion flame stability and Worked examples
Lecture 49 - Turbulent Flames - Part 1 - Characteristics of turbulence
Lecture 50 - Turbulent Flames - Part 2 - Turbulent length scales and turbulent stresses
Lecture 51 - Turbulent Flames - Part 3 - Axisymmetric turbulent jet
Lecture 52 - Turbulent Flames - Part 4 - Turbulent premixed flames and flame regimes
Lecture 53 - Turbulent Flames - Part 5 - Turbulent diffusion flames
Lecture 54 - Droplet evaporation and combustion - Part 1 - Steady evaporation of liquid droplet
Lecture 55 - Droplet evaporation and combustion - Part 2 - Equilibrium under steady evaporation of liquid droplet and droplet combustion
Lecture 56 - Droplet evaporation and combustion - Part 3 - Droplet combustion (simplified analysis)
Lecture 57 - Droplet evaporation and combustion - Part 4 - Species and temperature profiles
Lecture 58 - Droplet evaporation and combustion - Part 5 - Evaluation of mass burning rate and worked examples
Lecture 59 - Combustion of carbon particle - Part 1 - Coal combustion
Lecture 60 - Combustion of carbon particle - Part 2 - One film model
Lecture 61 - Combustion of carbon particle - Part 3 - Two film model and worked examples
Lecture 1 - Fuel and their properties - Part 1
Lecture 2 - Fuel and their properties - Part 2 - Gaseous and Liquid fuels
Lecture 3 - Fuel and their properties - Part 3 - Liquid and Solid fuels
Lecture 4 - Review of basic thermodynamics of ideal gas mixtures - Part 1
Lecture 5 - Review of basic thermodynamics of ideal gas mixtures - Part 2
Lecture 6 - Stoichiometry - Part 1
Lecture 7 - Stoichiometry - Part 2 - Worked Examples
Lecture 8 - Stoichiometry - Part 3 - Worked Examples (Continued...)
Lecture 9 - First law and Second law of thermodynamics applied to combustion - Part 1 - Heat Calculation
Lecture 10 - First law and Second law of thermodynamics applied to combustion - Part 2 - Enthalpy Calculation
Lecture 11 - First law and Second law of thermodynamics applied to combustion - Part 3 - Calculation of flame temperature
Lecture 12 - First law and Second law of thermodynamics applied to combustion - Part 4 - Chemical equilibrium
Lecture 13 - First law and Second law of thermodynamics applied to combustion - Part 5 - Chemical equilibrium (Continued...)
Lecture 14 - First law and Second law of thermodynamics applied to combustion - Part 6 - Worked examples
Lecture 15 - First law and Second law of thermodynamics applied to combustion - Part 7 - Worked examples (Continued...)
Lecture 16 - Mass transfer basics - Part 1 - Fundamentals
Lecture 17 - Mass transfer basics - Part 2 - Calculation of diffusion velocity
Lecture 18 - Mass transfer basics - Part 3 - Steady evaporation (The Stefan Problem)
Lecture 19 - Mass transfer basics - Part 4 - Steady evaporation of liquid droplet and Worked examples
Lecture 20 - Fundamentals of combustion kinetics - Part 1 - Global and elementary reactions
Lecture 21 - Fundamentals of combustion kinetics - Part 2 - Reaction rates and equilibrium constant
Lecture 22 - Fundamentals of combustion kinetics - Part 3 - Steady state and partial equilibrium approximation
Lecture 23 - Fundamentals of combustion kinetics - Part 4 - Worked examples
Lecture 24 - Governing equations for reacting flow - Part 1 - Continuity, momentum and species conservation equations
Lecture 25 - Governing equations for reacting flow - Part 2 - The energy equation
Lecture 26 - Governing equations for reacting flow - Part 3 - Estimation of thermo-physical properties and control of combustion phenomena
Lecture 27 - Governing equations for reacting flow - Part 4 - Control of combustion phenomena and simplified chemically reacting system
Lecture 28 - Governing equations for reacting flow - Part 5 - Conserved scalars and mixture fraction approach
Lecture 29 - Characteristics of combustion flame and detonation - Part 1
Lecture 30 - Characteristics of combustion flame and detonation - Part 2
Lecture 31 - Characteristics of combustion flame and detonation - Part 3 - Rankine-Hugoniot relation
Lecture 32 - Characteristics of combustion flame and detonation - Part 4 - Estimation of detonation velocity and Worked examples
Lecture 33 - Laminar Premixed Flames - Part 1 - Laminar flame propagation
Lecture 34 - Laminar Premixed Flames - Part 2 - Laminar flame speed variation and Structure of premixed flames
Lecture 35 - Laminar Premixed Flames - Part 3 - Flammability limits and Premixed flame theory
Lecture 36 - Laminar Premixed Flames - Part 4 - Estimation of laminar flame speed
Lecture 37 - Laminar Premixed Flames - Part 5 - Ignition of premixed mixture (Semenov's Analysis)
Lecture 38 - Laminar Premixed Flames - Part 6 - Piloted ignition and Flame quenching
Lecture 39 - Laminar Premixed Flames - Part 7 - Premixed flame stability
Lecture 40 - Laminar Premixed Flames - Part 8 - Stability Maps and Worked examples
Lecture 41 - Laminar Diffusion Flames - Part 1 - Theory of gas jets
Lecture 42 - Laminar Diffusion Flames - Part 2 - Analysis of gas jets and jet diffusion flames
Lecture 43 - Laminar Diffusion Flames - Part 3 - Diffusion flame characteristics and flame structure
Lecture 44 - Laminar Diffusion Flames - Part 4 - Diffusion flame structure and Flame regimes
Lecture 45 - Laminar Diffusion Flames - Part 5 - Diffusion flame regimes and Flame height correlations
Lecture 46 - Laminar Diffusion Flames - Part 6 - Diffusion flame control
Lecture 47 - Laminar Diffusion Flames - Part 7 - Diffusion flame configurations (coflow, crossflow and opposed flow flames)
Lecture 48 - Laminar Diffusion Flames - Part 8 - Diffusion flame stability and Worked examples
Lecture 49 - Turbulent Flames - Part 1 - Characteristics of turbulence
Lecture 50 - Turbulent Flames - Part 2 - Turbulent length scales and turbulent stresses
Lecture 51 - Turbulent Flames - Part 3 - Axisymmetric turbulent jet
Lecture 52 - Turbulent Flames - Part 4 - Turbulent premixed flames and flame regimes
Lecture 53 - Turbulent Flames - Part 5 - Turbulent diffusion flames
Lecture 54 - Droplet evaporation and combustion - Part 1 - Steady evaporation of liquid droplet
Lecture 55 - Droplet evaporation and combustion - Part 2 - Equilibrium under steady evaporation of liquid droplet and droplet combustion
Lecture 56 - Droplet evaporation and combustion - Part 3 - Droplet combustion (simplified analysis)
Lecture 57 - Droplet evaporation and combustion - Part 4 - Species and temperature profiles
Lecture 58 - Droplet evaporation and combustion - Part 5 - Evaluation of mass burning rate and worked examples
Lecture 59 - Combustion of carbon particle - Part 1 - Coal combustion
Lecture 60 - Combustion of carbon particle - Part 2 - One film model
Lecture 61 - Combustion of carbon particle - Part 3 - Two film model and worked examples
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Fundamentals of Combustion
Lecture 55 - Droplet evaporation and combustion - Part 2 - Equilibrium under steady evaporation of liquid droplet and droplet combustion
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