Lecture 1 - Introduction to Fluid Flow
Lecture 2 - Flow field, Stresses on fluid element, Newtonian fluid
Lecture 3 - Non Newtonian fluid, Classification of flow, Analysis of flow
Lecture 4 - Tutorial
Lecture 5 - Lecture 1 - Integral analysis, Control volume, Generalised conservation equation
Lecture 6 - Lecture 2 - Mass and linear momentum conservation in CV
Lecture 7 - Lecture 3 - Angular momentum conservation, Non-inertial frame of reference
Lecture 8 - Lecture 4 - Tutorial
Lecture 9 - Lecture 1 - Differential Analysis
Lecture 10 - Lecture 2 - Navier-Stokes equation for 2D incompressible flow
Lecture 11 - Lecture 3 - Vorticity, Stream function, Bernoulli's equation
Lecture 12 - Lecture 4 - Tutorial
Lecture 13 - Lecture 1 - External flows, Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layer
Lecture 14 - Lecture 2 - Differential analysis of boundary layer, Blassius equation
Lecture 15 - Lecture 3 - Boundary Layer flow with pressure gradient, Flow separation
Lecture 16 - Lecture 4 - Internal flow, Pipe friction
Lecture 17 - Lecture 1 - Basic Thermodynamics
Lecture 18 - Lecture 2 - Turbomachines: Definition and classification
Lecture 19 - Lecture 3 - Dimensional Analysis
Lecture 20 - Lecture 4 - Tutorial
Lecture 21 - Lecture 1 - Representation of Turbomachines and Definition of velocity
Lecture 22 - Lecture 2 - Euler's energy equation
Lecture 23 - Lecture 3 - Real fluid flow and efficiency of turbomachine
Lecture 24 - Lecture 4 - Tutorial
Lecture 25 - Lecture 1 - Pumps
Lecture 26 - Lecture 2 - Pumping Systems
Lecture 27 - Lecture 3 - Hydraulic Turbines : Pelton Turbine
Lecture 28 - Lecture 4 - Hydraulic Turbines : Reaction Turbines
Lecture 29 - Lecture 5 - Cavitation in Hydroturbomachines
Lecture 30 - Lecture 6 - Tutorial
Lecture 31 - Lecture 1 - Introduction to compressible flow
Lecture 32 - Lecture 2 - Steam and Gas Turbine : Introduction and classification
Lecture 33 - Lecture 3 - Steam and Gas Turbine : h-s Plots and velocity triangle
Lecture 34 - Lecture 4 - Tutorial
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Fluid Flow
Lecture 2 - Flow field, Stresses on fluid element, Newtonian fluid
Lecture 3 - Non Newtonian fluid, Classification of flow, Analysis of flow
Lecture 4 - Tutorial
Lecture 5 - Lecture 1 - Integral analysis, Control volume, Generalised conservation equation
Lecture 6 - Lecture 2 - Mass and linear momentum conservation in CV
Lecture 7 - Lecture 3 - Angular momentum conservation, Non-inertial frame of reference
Lecture 8 - Lecture 4 - Tutorial
Lecture 9 - Lecture 1 - Differential Analysis
Lecture 10 - Lecture 2 - Navier-Stokes equation for 2D incompressible flow
Lecture 11 - Lecture 3 - Vorticity, Stream function, Bernoulli's equation
Lecture 12 - Lecture 4 - Tutorial
Lecture 13 - Lecture 1 - External flows, Laminar and Turbulent Boundary Layer
Lecture 14 - Lecture 2 - Differential analysis of boundary layer, Blassius equation
Lecture 15 - Lecture 3 - Boundary Layer flow with pressure gradient, Flow separation
Lecture 16 - Lecture 4 - Internal flow, Pipe friction
Lecture 17 - Lecture 1 - Basic Thermodynamics
Lecture 18 - Lecture 2 - Turbomachines: Definition and classification
Lecture 19 - Lecture 3 - Dimensional Analysis
Lecture 20 - Lecture 4 - Tutorial
Lecture 21 - Lecture 1 - Representation of Turbomachines and Definition of velocity
Lecture 22 - Lecture 2 - Euler's energy equation
Lecture 23 - Lecture 3 - Real fluid flow and efficiency of turbomachine
Lecture 24 - Lecture 4 - Tutorial
Lecture 25 - Lecture 1 - Pumps
Lecture 26 - Lecture 2 - Pumping Systems
Lecture 27 - Lecture 3 - Hydraulic Turbines : Pelton Turbine
Lecture 28 - Lecture 4 - Hydraulic Turbines : Reaction Turbines
Lecture 29 - Lecture 5 - Cavitation in Hydroturbomachines
Lecture 30 - Lecture 6 - Tutorial
Lecture 31 - Lecture 1 - Introduction to compressible flow
Lecture 32 - Lecture 2 - Steam and Gas Turbine : Introduction and classification
Lecture 33 - Lecture 3 - Steam and Gas Turbine : h-s Plots and velocity triangle
Lecture 34 - Lecture 4 - Tutorial
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Fluid Dynamics and Turbomachines
Lecture 3 - Non Newtonian fluid, Classification of flow, Analysis of flow
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