Lecture 1 - Application of convective heat transfer
Lecture 2 - Foundations of heat transfer
Lecture 3 - Derivation of energy equation
Lecture 4 - Derivation of boundary layer equation
Lecture 5 - Derivation of boundary layer energy equation
Lecture 6 - Blasius solution: similarity method
Lecture 7 - Pohlhausen solution: similarity method
Lecture 8 - Pohlhausen solution: heat transfer parameters
Lecture 9 - Falkner-Skan equation: Boundary layer flow over a wedge
Lecture 10 - Momentum integral equation for flat plate boundary layer
Lecture 11 - Laminar BL flow over flat plate: Uniform surface temperature
Lecture 12 - Laminar BL flow over flat plate: Uniform surface heat flux
Lecture 13 - Solution of example problems
Lecture 14 - Hydrodynamic and thermal regions
Lecture 15 - Energy balance in channel flow
Lecture 16 - Determination of heat transfer coefficient
Lecture 17 - Velocity profile in fully-developed channel flows
Lecture 18 - Thermally fully developed laminar slug flow with uniform wall heat flux condition
Lecture 19 - Hydrodynamically and thermally fully developed flow with uniform wall heat flux condition
Lecture 20 - Fully developed flow through parallel plate channel with uniform wall temperature
Lecture 21 - Fully developed flow through circular pipe with uniform wall temperature
Lecture 22 - Thermally developing flow through circular pipe with uniform wall heat flux
Lecture 23 - Thermally developing flow through circular pipe with uniform wall temperature
Lecture 24 - Heat transfer in plane Couette flow
Lecture 25 - Solutions of example problems
Lecture 26 - Introduction and scale analysis
Lecture 27 - Natural convection over a vertical plate: Similarity Solution
Lecture 28 - Natural convection over a vertical plate: Similarity solution of energy equation
Lecture 29 - Natural convection over a vertical plate: Integral solution
Lecture 30 - Natural convection over inclined plate and mixed convection
Lecture 31 - Natural convection inside enclosures
Lecture 32 - Solution of example problems
Lecture 33 - Basics of finite difference method
Lecture 34 - Solution of Navier-Stokes equations
Lecture 35 - Solution of energy equation
Lecture 36 - Derivation of Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations
Lecture 37 - External Turbulent Flow
Lecture 38 - Integral solution for turbulent boundary layer flow over a flat plate
Lecture 39 - Convection in turbulent pipe flow
Lecture 40 - Boiling regimes and boiling curve
Lecture 41 - Laminar film condensation on a vertical plate
Lecture 42 - Laminar film condensation on horizontal tube
Lecture 43 - Solution of example problems
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Fundamentals of Convective Heat Transfer
Lecture 36 - Derivation of Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations
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