Lecture 1 - Introduction to hydraulic machines: classifications and operational principles
Lecture 2 - Euler equation for turbomachines: net head developed by the pump/turbines
Lecture 3 - Velocity triangles of pumps, effect of inlet swirl on pump operation
Lecture 4 - Velocity triangles of pumps, effect of inlet swirl on pump operation
Lecture 5 - Pump casings, Efficiencies and Problems - I
Lecture 6 - Pump casings, Efficiencies and Problems - II
Lecture 7 - Pump casings, Efficiencies and Problems - III
Lecture 8 - Axial flow pump, HQ curve, System Resistance Curve - I
Lecture 9 - Axial flow pump, HQ curve, System Resistance Curve - II
Lecture 10 - HQ Curve, System Resistance Curve - I
Lecture 11 - HQ Curve, System Resistance Curve - II
Lecture 12 - Introduction to Cavitation
Lecture 13 - Condition for Cavitation and NPSH
Lecture 14 - Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)
Lecture 15 - Suction number and Introduction to off design condition
Lecture 16 - Cavitation: The effect of off-design Conditions
Lecture 17 - Cavitation: Preventive Measures
Lecture 18 - Cavitation: Preventive Measures, Effect on Pump Characteristic
Lecture 19 - Problems on Cavitation
Lecture 20 - Introduction to Slip : Stodola Slip Model
Lecture 21 - Departure from Euler theory
Lecture 22 - Slip Velocity - I
Lecture 23 - Slip Velocity - II
Lecture 24 - Problem on slip
Lecture 25 - Degree of reaction of pump
Lecture 26 - Degree of reaction and axial pump design
Lecture 27 - Testing of radial flow pump - I
Lecture 28 - Testing of radial flow pump - II
Lecture 29 - Problem on radial flow pump testing
Lecture 30 - Radial equilibrium of axial flow pump - I
Lecture 31 - Radial equilibrium of axial flow pump - II
Lecture 32 - Pump operation: series and parallel connection
Lecture 33 - Series and parallel operation of dissimilar pumps
Lecture 34 - Pumping system design
Lecture 35 - Design of parellel pumping system
Lecture 36 - Numerical problem on pumps - I
Lecture 37 - Numerical problem on pumps - II
Lecture 38 - Numerical problem on pumps - III
Lecture 39 - Working principle and Indicator diagram of PD pump
Lecture 40 - Working principle and Indicator diagram of PD pump (Continued...)
Lecture 41 - Modified indicator diagram and Head-Discharge curve
Lecture 42 - Analysis and Head-Discharge curve of PD pump
Lecture 43 - Analysis and efficiencies of PD pump
Lecture 44 - Requirement of air chamber in PD pump
Lecture 45 - Numerical problem on PD pump with air chamber
Lecture 46 - Similarity and dimensional analysis of hydraulic machines
Lecture 47 - Dimensional analysis of hydraulic machines: Buckingham's theorem
Lecture 48 - Buckingham's theorem: Specific speed of hydraulic machines
Lecture 49 - Turbine Classification and Operational principle of Pelton wheel
Lecture 50 - Velocity Tiangles and analysis
Lecture 51 - Operational Principle of Reaction turbine
Lecture 52 - Degree of Reaction and Introduction to axial flow turbine
Lecture 53 - Kaplan Turbine: Operational Principle, Turbine efficiencies
Lecture 54 - Draft Tube for Reaction Turbine and Cavitation
Lecture 55 - Energy Balance and NPSH
Lecture 56 - Thoma Cavitation Factor
Lecture 57 - Reaction Turbine: Design aspects and Characteristic Curves
Lecture 58 - Problems on Impulse and Reaction Turbines
Lecture 1 - Introduction to hydraulic machines: classifications and operational principles
Lecture 2 - Euler equation for turbomachines: net head developed by the pump/turbines
Lecture 3 - Velocity triangles of pumps, effect of inlet swirl on pump operation
Lecture 4 - Velocity triangles of pumps, effect of inlet swirl on pump operation
Lecture 5 - Pump casings, Efficiencies and Problems - I
Lecture 6 - Pump casings, Efficiencies and Problems - II
Lecture 7 - Pump casings, Efficiencies and Problems - III
Lecture 8 - Axial flow pump, HQ curve, System Resistance Curve - I
Lecture 9 - Axial flow pump, HQ curve, System Resistance Curve - II
Lecture 10 - HQ Curve, System Resistance Curve - I
Lecture 11 - HQ Curve, System Resistance Curve - II
Lecture 12 - Introduction to Cavitation
Lecture 13 - Condition for Cavitation and NPSH
Lecture 14 - Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)
Lecture 15 - Suction number and Introduction to off design condition
Lecture 16 - Cavitation: The effect of off-design Conditions
Lecture 17 - Cavitation: Preventive Measures
Lecture 18 - Cavitation: Preventive Measures, Effect on Pump Characteristic
Lecture 19 - Problems on Cavitation
Lecture 20 - Introduction to Slip : Stodola Slip Model
Lecture 21 - Departure from Euler theory
Lecture 22 - Slip Velocity - I
Lecture 23 - Slip Velocity - II
Lecture 24 - Problem on slip
Lecture 25 - Degree of reaction of pump
Lecture 26 - Degree of reaction and axial pump design
Lecture 27 - Testing of radial flow pump - I
Lecture 28 - Testing of radial flow pump - II
Lecture 29 - Problem on radial flow pump testing
Lecture 30 - Radial equilibrium of axial flow pump - I
Lecture 31 - Radial equilibrium of axial flow pump - II
Lecture 32 - Pump operation: series and parallel connection
Lecture 33 - Series and parallel operation of dissimilar pumps
Lecture 34 - Pumping system design
Lecture 35 - Design of parellel pumping system
Lecture 36 - Numerical problem on pumps - I
Lecture 37 - Numerical problem on pumps - II
Lecture 38 - Numerical problem on pumps - III
Lecture 39 - Working principle and Indicator diagram of PD pump
Lecture 40 - Working principle and Indicator diagram of PD pump (Continued...)
Lecture 41 - Modified indicator diagram and Head-Discharge curve
Lecture 42 - Analysis and Head-Discharge curve of PD pump
Lecture 43 - Analysis and efficiencies of PD pump
Lecture 44 - Requirement of air chamber in PD pump
Lecture 45 - Numerical problem on PD pump with air chamber
Lecture 46 - Similarity and dimensional analysis of hydraulic machines
Lecture 47 - Dimensional analysis of hydraulic machines: Buckingham's theorem
Lecture 48 - Buckingham's theorem: Specific speed of hydraulic machines
Lecture 49 - Turbine Classification and Operational principle of Pelton wheel
Lecture 50 - Velocity Tiangles and analysis
Lecture 51 - Operational Principle of Reaction turbine
Lecture 52 - Degree of Reaction and Introduction to axial flow turbine
Lecture 53 - Kaplan Turbine: Operational Principle, Turbine efficiencies
Lecture 54 - Draft Tube for Reaction Turbine and Cavitation
Lecture 55 - Energy Balance and NPSH
Lecture 56 - Thoma Cavitation Factor
Lecture 57 - Reaction Turbine: Design aspects and Characteristic Curves
Lecture 58 - Problems on Impulse and Reaction Turbines
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Principle of Hydraulic Machines and System Design
Lecture 38 - Numerical problem on pumps - III
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