Lecture 1 - The beginning
Lecture 2 - Elementary Concepts
Lecture 3 - Elementary Concepts (Continued...)
Lecture 4 - More on orbits
Lecture 5 - Peiods of Periodic Points
Lecture 6 - Scrambled Sets
Lecture 7 - Sensitive Dependence on Initial Conditions
Lecture 8 - A Population Dynamics Model
Lecture 9 - Bifurcations
Lecture 10 - Nonlinear Systems
Lecture 11 - Horseshoe Attractor
Lecture 12 - Dynamics of the Horseshoe Attractor
Lecture 13 - Recurrence
Lecture 14 - Recurrence (Continued...)
Lecture 15 - Transitivity
Lecture 16 - Devaney’s Chaos
Lecture 17 - Transitivity = Chaos on Intervals
Lecture 18 - Stronger forms of Transitivity
Lecture 19 - Chaotic Properties of Mixing Systems
Lecture 20 - Weakly Mixing and Chaos
Lecture 21 - Strongly Transitive Systems
Lecture 22 - Strongly Transitive Systems (Continued...)
Lecture 23 - Introduction to Symbolic Dynamics
Lecture 24 - Shift Spaces
Lecture 25 - Subshifts of Finite Type
Lecture 26 - Subshifts of Finite Type (Continued...), Chatoic Dynamical Systems
Lecture 27 - Measuring Chaos - Topological Entropy
Lecture 28 - Topological Entropy - Adler’s Version
Lecture 29 - Bowen’s Definition of Topological Entropy
Lecture 30 - Equivalance of the two definitions of Topological Entropy
Lecture 31 - Linear Systems in Two Dimentions
Lecture 32 - Asymptotic Properties of Orbits of Linear Transformation in IR2
Lecture 33 - Hyperbolic Toral Automorphisms
Lecture 34 - Chaos in Toral Automorphisms
Lecture 35 - Chaotic Attractors of Henon Maps
Lecture 1 - The beginning
Lecture 2 - Elementary Concepts
Lecture 3 - Elementary Concepts (Continued...)
Lecture 4 - More on orbits
Lecture 5 - Peiods of Periodic Points
Lecture 6 - Scrambled Sets
Lecture 7 - Sensitive Dependence on Initial Conditions
Lecture 8 - A Population Dynamics Model
Lecture 9 - Bifurcations
Lecture 10 - Nonlinear Systems
Lecture 11 - Horseshoe Attractor
Lecture 12 - Dynamics of the Horseshoe Attractor
Lecture 13 - Recurrence
Lecture 14 - Recurrence (Continued...)
Lecture 15 - Transitivity
Lecture 16 - Devaney’s Chaos
Lecture 17 - Transitivity = Chaos on Intervals
Lecture 18 - Stronger forms of Transitivity
Lecture 19 - Chaotic Properties of Mixing Systems
Lecture 20 - Weakly Mixing and Chaos
Lecture 21 - Strongly Transitive Systems
Lecture 22 - Strongly Transitive Systems (Continued...)
Lecture 23 - Introduction to Symbolic Dynamics
Lecture 24 - Shift Spaces
Lecture 25 - Subshifts of Finite Type
Lecture 26 - Subshifts of Finite Type (Continued...), Chatoic Dynamical Systems
Lecture 27 - Measuring Chaos - Topological Entropy
Lecture 28 - Topological Entropy - Adler’s Version
Lecture 29 - Bowen’s Definition of Topological Entropy
Lecture 30 - Equivalance of the two definitions of Topological Entropy
Lecture 31 - Linear Systems in Two Dimentions
Lecture 32 - Asymptotic Properties of Orbits of Linear Transformation in IR2
Lecture 33 - Hyperbolic Toral Automorphisms
Lecture 34 - Chaos in Toral Automorphisms
Lecture 35 - Chaotic Attractors of Henon Maps
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Chaotic Dynamical Systems
Lecture 35 - Chaotic Attractors of Henon Maps
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