Lecture 1 - Introduction to International Business
Lecture 2 - Importance, Nature and Scope
Lecture 3 - Modes of Entry - I
Lecture 4 - Modes of Entry - II
Lecture 5 - Challenges and Approaches, EPRG Framework
Lecture 6 - New Economic Policy, LPG Framework
Lecture 7 - Patterns of International Trade, Trade Theories, Export-Import
Lecture 8 - International Trade Theories - I
Lecture 9 - International Trade Theories - II
Lecture 10 - Leonteiff's Paradox, PLC Theory, National Competitive Advantage and Factor Mobility Theory
Lecture 11 - Trade and Factor Mobility, Bangladesh Textile Case
Lecture 12 - Multiplier Effect, Types and its Characteristics
Lecture 13 - Multiplier Effect with Numericals
Lecture 14 - Commercial/Trade Policy, Business Cycle, Tariff Barriers, Subsidies
Lecture 15 - Non-Tariff Barriers, India's Foreign Trade Policy, Make in India, Trade Protectionism
Lecture 16 - International Business Environment, PESTEL Analysis, Culture and Business
Lecture 17 - Language, Religion, Behavioural Practices, Communication
Lecture 18 - Political Environment, Beliefs, Types of Democracy
Lecture 19 - Political Systems, Beliefs, Risks
Lecture 20 - Legal Environment, Legal Protection, Legal Systems, IPR
Lecture 21 - Economic Factors, Economic Environment
Lecture 22 - Components of an Economy, Inflation, Unemployment, Debt
Lecture 23 - Income Distribution, Poverty, Productivity
Lecture 24 - BOP, Components, Economic Freedom, Economic Transitions
Lecture 25 - Technology and Its Impact, IT, Technology Transfer
Lecture 26 - Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions
Lecture 27 - BOP, Balance of Trade
Lecture 28 - BOP, Capital Account, Financial Account, Numericals, Reserve Account, SDR
Lecture 29 - Foreign Exchange, Foreign Exchange Market, Features, Participants
Lecture 30 - Functions of Foreign Exchange Market, Interest Rate, Relative Inflation Rate
Lecture 31 - Factors Affecting Exchange Rate, Current Account Deficit, Government Debt, Exchange Rate
Lecture 32 - Exchange Rate Systems, Currency Convertibility, Types
Lecture 33 - Currency Convertibility, Theories of Exchange Rate, Purchasing Power Parity
Lecture 34 - PPP Theory, Interest Rate Parity Theory, Fischer Effect, Numericals
Lecture 35 - Foreign Exchange Exposure, Type Of Exposure
Lecture 36 - Exposure Management Theory, Hedging, FERA and FEMA, RBI and its Power
Lecture 37 - Financial Market, Importance and its Function, Financial Intermediaries, Money Market
Lecture 38 - International Money Market, Euro Credit, Capital Market, Features, Component, ADR and GDR
Lecture 39 - Trade Promotion, Foreign Trade Regulations in India, Exporting, Stages, Difficulties
Lecture 40 - Export-Import Plan, Foreign Trade Promotion Measures, Schemes, Trade Regulations
Lecture 41 - Trade Promotions, Institution Involved in Export Finance, Foreign Trade Organisations
Lecture 42 - Foreign Trade Organizations, PNB Scam
Lecture 43 - Bretton Woods Agreement, IMF, Its Role and Function
Lecture 44 - World Bank
Lecture 45 - WTO, GATT, Origin and Functions, MFN Principles, Agreements
Lecture 46 - Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture, GATS
Lecture 47 - TRIMS, TRIPS, Patents, Copyrights
Lecture 48 - Multifiber Agreement, Agreement on Textiles and Clothing, UNCTAD, GSP, GSTP
Lecture 49 - Regional Economic Integration
Lecture 50 - Regionalism, Multilateralism, NAFTA, EU, EURO
Lecture 51 - International Marketing, Segmentation, Positioning
Lecture 52 - Product Strategies, Product Adaptations, Pricing, Communication, Logistics
Lecture 53 - Global Firms Success Strategies
Lecture 54 - Marketing Orientations, Market Research
Lecture 55 - Estimating Market Demand, Pitfalls in Research
Lecture 56 - Survey Methods For International Research
Lecture 57 - Supply Chain Management, Global Production and Distribution, Manufacturing Strategy
Lecture 58 - Global Sourcing, Distribution System, Role Of Interest
Lecture 59 - International HRM
Lecture 60 - Recruitment and Training in International HRM
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:International Business
Lecture 42 - Foreign Trade Organizations, PNB Scam
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