Lecture 1 - Definition, Nature, Purpose and Scope of Management
Lecture 2 - Skills, Roles and Functions of Management
Lecture 3 - Principles of Management
Lecture 4 - Scientific Management
Lecture 5 - Evolution of Management Thought
Lecture 6 - Concept, Types, Importance and Process of Planning
Lecture 7 - Characteristics, Nature and Scope and Principles of Planning
Lecture 8 - Traditional objective setting and methods of Planning
Lecture 9 - Strategic Management and Planning
Lecture 10 - Premising and Forecasting of Planning
Lecture 11 - Concept, Types, Importance and Process of Decision Making
Lecture 12 - Different Models of Decision Making
Lecture 13 - Decision Making Styles and Cognitive biases in decision making
Lecture 14 - Barriers of Effective Decision Making
Lecture 15 - Group Decision Making
Lecture 16 - Concept,Importance and Steps of Management by Objectives
Lecture 17 - Concept,Importance and Steps of Management by exception
Lecture 18 - Style of Management (American, Japanese and Indian)
Lecture 19 - Approaches of management including McKinsey’s 7’s approach
Lecture 20 - Introduction, strategies, techniques, benefits and rules of Self Management
Lecture 21 - Concept, Importance, Process, Nature, and Principle of Organisation
Lecture 22 - Organisational Design and Structure
Lecture 23 - Coordination in Management
Lecture 24 - Differentiation in management
Lecture 25 - Concept, Types, Importance, Steps, Factors and Advantages of Integration
Lecture 26 - Concept, Types, Importance and Process of Span of Management
Lecture 27 - Concept, types, factors, advantages and disadvantages of Centralisation and Decentralisation
Lecture 28 - Delegation
Lecture 29 - Different issues relating to authority and power
Lecture 30 - Different aspects of line and staff organisation
Lecture 31 - Concept, importance, process and methods of Staffing and HRM
Lecture 32 - Recruitment and Selection
Lecture 33 - Recruitment and Selection (Continued...)
Lecture 34 - Performance Appraisal
Lecture 35 - Performance Appraisal (Continued...)
Lecture 36 - Concept, Types, Importance, Techniques of Career strategy
Lecture 37 - Concept, Types, Importance, Techniques of Career strategy (Continued...)
Lecture 38 - Concept, Types, Importance, Techniques of Career strategy (Continued...)
Lecture 39 - Coordination-Concept, Issues and Techniques
Lecture 40 - Coordination-Concept, Issues and Techniques (Continued...)
Lecture 41 - Concept, importance, elements of organisational change
Lecture 42 - Concept, importance, elements of organisational change (Continued...)
Lecture 43 - Forces and factors of organisational change
Lecture 44 - Resistance to change
Lecture 45 - Theories of change and resistance to change
Lecture 46 - Methods of dealing with change
Lecture 47 - Methods of dealing with change (Continued...)
Lecture 48 - Behavioural reaction to organisational Change
Lecture 49 - Approaches to manage organisational Change
Lecture 50 - Approaches to manage organisational Change
Lecture 51 - Action Research model to manage organisational change
Lecture 52 - Organisational development
Lecture 53 - Leadership, and Its Theories
Lecture 54 - Team and Team Work in Management
Lecture 55 - Human factors and Motivation
Lecture 56 - Communication and Its Barriers
Lecture 57 - Controlling: Issues, Types, Techniques and Importance
Lecture 58 - Budgeting, concept, importance, process and benefits
Lecture 59 - Reporting- concepts, types, importance and advantages
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Principles of Management
Lecture 22 - Organisational Design and Structure
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