Lecture 1 - Background, IR in the post-independence period, functions of IR
Lecture 2 - Approaches towards IR, models of IR
Lecture 3 - Introduction to trade unions, labour legislations, worker's participation
Lecture 4 - Employers' Federation and their role in IR
Lecture 5 - Sailent features of IR in India
Lecture 6 - Birth and evolution of the trade union movement in India
Lecture 7 - Objectives, Theories, Bases of TUs
Lecture 8 - TU federations, Presence of local TUs, Reasons for growth, Compulsory Unionism
Lecture 9 - Trade Unions Act 1926: Aim, scope, registration, Rights and Responsibilities of TUs
Lecture 10 - Size and Finance of TUs, TU rivalry and recognition
Lecture 11 - Industrial Disputes: Meaning, Causes, Interests and Right Disputes
Lecture 12 - Strikes ,Forms, and Effects of Strike
Lecture 13 - Industrial Dispute Act 1947: Disputes Settlement Machineries
Lecture 14 - Statutory and Non-Statutory measures of Settlement
Lecture 15 - Collective Bargaining : Importance, Theories, Hurdles to CB in India
Lecture 16 - Introduction, objectives, classifications
Lecture 17 - Intra mural labour welfare services
Lecture 18 - Extra mural labour welfare services
Lecture 19 - Evolution of social security measures, Mention of welfare provisions of few labour laws
Lecture 20 - Social Security, Convention (No.102) ILO
Lecture 21 - Social security legislations: Evolution and Growth
Lecture 22 - Provision for old age and against unemployment and Gratuity, exisiting social security laws
Lecture 23 - Issues in Labour Welfare and Social Security, Review of welfare amenities
Lecture 24 - Role of Welfare officer, problems in enforcement of welfare amenities
Lecture 25 - Employees Compensation Act 1923: Occupational diseases, Compensation
Lecture 26 - Right to compensation in presence of Employees' State Insurance Act
Lecture 27 - Evolution of Provident Fund legislation in India, Central Government Health Scheme, 1954
Lecture 28 - Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952: scope, definitions
Lecture 29 - Employees' Provident Fund, Deposit Linked Insurance Schemes
Lecture 30 - Employee Pension Scheme 1995, Miscellaneous Provisions
Lecture 31 - Payment of Gratuity Act 1972: Enactment, Scope and Coverage
Lecture 32 - Payment of Gratuity Act 1972: Main Provisions, Compulsory Insurance, Other Provisions
Lecture 33 - Maternity Benefit Act 1961: Growth, Definitions, Main Provisions, and Other Provisions
Lecture 34 - Child labour (Prohibition& Regulation)Act,1986: Objectives
Lecture 35 - Prohibition of Employment and Regulation of Conditions of children in certain occupations
Lecture 36 - Central Board of Workers' Education Scheme : Rational, Schemes, Composition of Board
Lecture 37 - Five Year Plans and Workers' Education
Lecture 38 - Factories Act 1948: definitions, authorities
Lecture 39 - Health, safety, provisions relating to hazardous processes
Lecture 40 - Welfare, working hours of adults
Lecture 41 - Employment of young persons, annual leave with wages and Penalties and procedure,other provisions
Lecture 42 - Payment of Wages Act, 1936: Objective, Scope
Lecture 43 - Wage legalities, Authorized deductions, miscellaneous provisions
Lecture 44 - Minimum Wages Act 1948: Scope, Fixation of minimum wages
Lecture 45 - Procedure for fixing minimum wages, mode of payment, miscellaneous provisions
Lecture 46 - Equal Remuneration Act 1976: Scope, definations, provisions
Lecture 47 - Workers' Participation in Management
Lecture 48 - Degree and Forms of Labour Participation
Lecture 49 - Workers Committee, Joint management Councils
Lecture 50 - Employee's Participation in PSUs Participation in Private sector
Lecture 51 - The participation of workers in Management Bill 1990
Lecture 52 - Labour Welfare and Industrial Relations: Case Laws
Lecture 53 - Introduction, Labour reforms undertaken
Lecture 54 - Code on Wages 2019
Lecture 55 - Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2020
Lecture 56 - Industrial Relations Code, 2020
Lecture 57 - Code on Social Security, 2020
Lecture 58 - Labour Welfare and Industrial Relations: A Bird's Eye View
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Labour Welfare and Industrial Relations
Lecture 55 - Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2020
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