Lecture 1 - Why the Course on Managing Self and Career
Lecture 2 - Present Context of Professional Work
Lecture 3 - State of Wellbeing of Indian Youth
Lecture 4 - Link between Self-Management and Career Management
Lecture 5 - Journey of Positive Psychology
Lecture 6 - Can there be a Universal Positive Psychology ?
Lecture 7 - Difference in Good Life and Life Satisfaction
Lecture 8 - Why Yoga with Positive Psychology ?
Lecture 9 - Genesis of this Course
Lecture 10 - Using Stories to Understand Optimal Experiences
Lecture 11 - Fundamental Questions in Positive Psychology
Lecture 12 - What Positive Psychology is Not
Lecture 13 - Positive-Negative Dialects of Well-Being
Lecture 14 - Positive Psychology: The Second Wave
Lecture 15 - Positivity and Human Potential in Yogic Traditions
Lecture 16 - Holistic Life Goals
Lecture 17 - Embracing Emotions and Positive Behavior
Lecture 18 - Discovering Dharma
Lecture 19 - Distinction with Negative Human Potential
Lecture 20 - Positive Events: 16 Sanskaras
Lecture 21 - Four Ashrams or Stations in Life
Lecture 22 - Yagna - Positive Event
Lecture 23 - Positive Institutions
Lecture 24 - Family - A Positive Institution
Lecture 25 - Yoga and Governance
Lecture 26 - Positive Governance
Lecture 27 - Macro and Micro Integration in Yogic Perspective
Lecture 28 - Self and Society
Lecture 29 - Point for Action and Reflection
Lecture 30 - Health and Wellbeing
Lecture 31 - How does wellbeing affect life ?
Lecture 32 - Yogic Perspectives of Health and Wellbeing
Lecture 33 - Doshas
Lecture 34 - Mind-body Complex
Lecture 35 - Diseases in Yogic Perspective
Lecture 36 - Panch Kosha or Five Layers of Self
Lecture 37 - Managing Mind
Lecture 38 - Factors to Enhance Well-being
Lecture 39 - Self-Realization - The Ultimate Joy
Lecture 40 - What is the Indian Worldview ?
Lecture 41 - Ways of Attaining Well-Being
Lecture 42 - TattvaBodh and Wisdom
Lecture 43 - Indriyajaya or Self-Control
Lecture 44 - Indriyajaya in Positive Psychology
Lecture 45 - Dharmic Drishti (Vision)
Lecture 46 - Dharmic Desires and Pursuits
Lecture 47 - Dharmahkriya in Positive Psychology
Lecture 48 - Sukhayu-Hitayu
Lecture 49 - DharmahKriya, Sukhayu-Hitayu and Career Success ?
Lecture 50 - What is our real nature ?
Lecture 51 - How the Mind Works: A Yogic Perspective
Lecture 52 - Obstacles in Attaining Wellbeing
Lecture 53 - Reflection on Functioning of the Mind
Lecture 54 - How to avoid Klisht Vrittis ?
Lecture 55 - Crossing Obstacles to Well-Being
Lecture 56 - Six Inner Treasures
Lecture 57 - How are the Six Inner Treasures Valuable
Lecture 58 - Mental, Vital and Physical Consciousness
Lecture 59 - Major Forms of Yoga in Indian Tradition
Lecture 60 - Ashtanga Yoga or Raj Yoga
Lecture 61 - Yoga for Panch Koshas
Lecture 62 - Three Pillars of Health
Lecture 63 - Spiritual Significance of Food
Lecture 64 - Eight Factors about Food
Lecture 65 - Seasons with Revolving Sun and Impact on Physiology
Lecture 66 - Contemporary Knowledge about Food and Mental Health
Lecture 67 - Food and Activities during the Cycle of the Day
Lecture 68 - Yogasanas to Integrate Body and Emotions
Lecture 69 - Interoception, Asanas and Well-Being
Lecture 70 - Characteristics of Asanas
Lecture 71 - Process for Moving into Posture
Lecture 72 - Asanas for Different Body Constitution
Lecture 73 - Notes on Pranayama
Lecture 74 - Contemporary Evidences of Prana
Lecture 75 - Prana Vayu, Nadi System and Chakras
Lecture 76 - Pranayama Practices and Conscious Breathing
Lecture 77 - Process and Benefits of Diaphragmatic Breathing
Lecture 78 - Guidelines for Pranayama
Lecture 79 - Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
Lecture 80 - Tranquilizing Pranayamas
Lecture 81 - Organizational Suffering and Dysfunctional Behaviors
Lecture 82 - Introduction to Pratyahara
Lecture 83 - Indriya-Pratyahara: Control of the Senses
Lecture 84 - Methods of Pratyahara
Lecture 85 - Understanding Emotional Intelligence
Lecture 86 - Emotional Intelligence and its Relation to Everyday Behavior
Lecture 87 - How Yoga Helps in Emotional Balance
Lecture 88 - Positive and Negative Emotions
Lecture 89 - Dealing with Negative Emotions
Lecture 90 - How Yoga Helps in Equanimity of Mind
Lecture 91 - What are the 7 Stages of Wisdom
Lecture 92 - What Yoga does for Balancing Emotions and Cognitions
Lecture 93 - How Yoga Impacts Student's Performance: Empirical Studies
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Yoga and Positive Psychology for Managing Career and Life
Lecture 76 - Pranayama Practices and Conscious Breathing
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