Lecture 1 - Introduction to Strategic Trade and Protectionism
Lecture 2 - Introduction to Protectionism and Strategic Trade
Lecture 3 - India's International Trade: Latest Facts and Figures
Lecture 4 - Facts on Trade Policies and Facilitations
Lecture 5 - Introduction to Trade Theories: What, Why and for Whom?
Lecture 6 - Mercantilism
Lecture 7 - From Mercantilism to Adam Smith
Lecture 8 - Theory of Comparative Cost Advantage
Lecture 9 - Static to Dynamic Comparative Advantage Theory
Lecture 10 - Empirical Testing of Comparative Advantage Theory
Lecture 11 - Neoclassical Trade Theory - Standard Trade Model
Lecture 12 - Heckscher-Ohlin Theory of Trade
Lecture 13 - H-O-S Model in Trade and Income Distribution
Lecture 14 - Empirical Testing of H-O Theory
Lecture 15 - Extension to H-O Theory
Lecture 16 - Imperfect Competition and Trade
Lecture 17 - Monopolistic Competition and Trade
Lecture 18 - Intra-Industry versus Inter-Industry Trade
Lecture 19 - Measuring Intra-Industry Trade - I
Lecture 20 - Measuring Intra-Industry Trade - II
Lecture 21 - Partial Equilibrium Analysis of Trade
Lecture 22 - Offer Curves in Trade Analysis
Lecture 23 - Terms of Trade with Cases
Lecture 24 - Measurement of Terms of Trade
Lecture 25 - Terms of Trade: Determinants and Impacts
Lecture 26 - Trade Protectionism
Lecture 27 - Types of Protections
Lecture 28 - Welfare Effects of Tariffs
Lecture 29 - Effective Protections
Lecture 30 - Effective Protections - Latest Facts and Figures
Lecture 31 - Non-Tariff Measures: Recent Facts
Lecture 32 - Types of Non-Tariff Barriers
Lecture 33 - Effects of Non-Tariffs Barriers
Lecture 34 - Technical Barriers to Trade (TBTs)
Lecture 35 - Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS)
Lecture 36 - Economic Integration: Blocs and Blocks
Lecture 37 - Theory of Customs Union
Lecture 38 - Structure and Functions of WTO
Lecture 39 - India and WTO
Lecture 40 - Strategic Trade - Summary and Conclusion
Lecture 41 - Trade and Balance of Payment
Lecture 42 - Trends of India's BoP
Lecture 43 - Foreign Exchange Market
Lecture 44 - Types of Foreign Exchange market
Lecture 45 - Exchange Rate Determination
Lecture 46 - Monetary Approach to the Balance of Payments and Exchange Rates
Lecture 47 - Exchange Rate Dynamics
Lecture 48 - Exchange Rate in the Short run
Lecture 49 - Exchange Rate in the Long run
Lecture 50 - Capital Mobility and the Trilemma of the Exchange Rate Regime
Lecture 51 - Adjustment with Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates
Lecture 52 - Stability of Foreign Exchange Markets
Lecture 53 - J-Curve Effect
Lecture 54 - Exchange Rate Pass-through
Lecture 55 - Optimum Currency Area
Lecture 56 - Import Substitution versus Export Orientation
Lecture 57 - East Asian Miracle - I
Lecture 58 - East Asian Miracle - II
Lecture 59 - Trade and Development - Post Covid-I
Lecture 60 - Trade and Development - Post Covid-II
Lecture 1 - Introduction to Strategic Trade and Protectionism
Lecture 2 - Introduction to Protectionism and Strategic Trade
Lecture 3 - India's International Trade: Latest Facts and Figures
Lecture 4 - Facts on Trade Policies and Facilitations
Lecture 5 - Introduction to Trade Theories: What, Why and for Whom?
Lecture 6 - Mercantilism
Lecture 7 - From Mercantilism to Adam Smith
Lecture 8 - Theory of Comparative Cost Advantage
Lecture 9 - Static to Dynamic Comparative Advantage Theory
Lecture 10 - Empirical Testing of Comparative Advantage Theory
Lecture 11 - Neoclassical Trade Theory - Standard Trade Model
Lecture 12 - Heckscher-Ohlin Theory of Trade
Lecture 13 - H-O-S Model in Trade and Income Distribution
Lecture 14 - Empirical Testing of H-O Theory
Lecture 15 - Extension to H-O Theory
Lecture 16 - Imperfect Competition and Trade
Lecture 17 - Monopolistic Competition and Trade
Lecture 18 - Intra-Industry versus Inter-Industry Trade
Lecture 19 - Measuring Intra-Industry Trade - I
Lecture 20 - Measuring Intra-Industry Trade - II
Lecture 21 - Partial Equilibrium Analysis of Trade
Lecture 22 - Offer Curves in Trade Analysis
Lecture 23 - Terms of Trade with Cases
Lecture 24 - Measurement of Terms of Trade
Lecture 25 - Terms of Trade: Determinants and Impacts
Lecture 26 - Trade Protectionism
Lecture 27 - Types of Protections
Lecture 28 - Welfare Effects of Tariffs
Lecture 29 - Effective Protections
Lecture 30 - Effective Protections - Latest Facts and Figures
Lecture 31 - Non-Tariff Measures: Recent Facts
Lecture 32 - Types of Non-Tariff Barriers
Lecture 33 - Effects of Non-Tariffs Barriers
Lecture 34 - Technical Barriers to Trade (TBTs)
Lecture 35 - Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS)
Lecture 36 - Economic Integration: Blocs and Blocks
Lecture 37 - Theory of Customs Union
Lecture 38 - Structure and Functions of WTO
Lecture 39 - India and WTO
Lecture 40 - Strategic Trade - Summary and Conclusion
Lecture 41 - Trade and Balance of Payment
Lecture 42 - Trends of India's BoP
Lecture 43 - Foreign Exchange Market
Lecture 44 - Types of Foreign Exchange market
Lecture 45 - Exchange Rate Determination
Lecture 46 - Monetary Approach to the Balance of Payments and Exchange Rates
Lecture 47 - Exchange Rate Dynamics
Lecture 48 - Exchange Rate in the Short run
Lecture 49 - Exchange Rate in the Long run
Lecture 50 - Capital Mobility and the Trilemma of the Exchange Rate Regime
Lecture 51 - Adjustment with Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates
Lecture 52 - Stability of Foreign Exchange Markets
Lecture 53 - J-Curve Effect
Lecture 54 - Exchange Rate Pass-through
Lecture 55 - Optimum Currency Area
Lecture 56 - Import Substitution versus Export Orientation
Lecture 57 - East Asian Miracle - I
Lecture 58 - East Asian Miracle - II
Lecture 59 - Trade and Development - Post Covid-I
Lecture 60 - Trade and Development - Post Covid-II
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:International Trade - Theory and Empirics
Lecture 60 - Trade and Development - Post Covid-II
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