Lecture 1 - Introduction
Lecture 2 - Aristotle's Poetics - Session 1
Lecture 3 - Aristotle's Poetics - Session 2
Lecture 4 - Aristotle's Poetics - Session 3
Lecture 5 - Longinus' Sublimity, Genius, Art
Lecture 6 - Longinus' On the Sublime - Session 2
Lecture 7 - Longinus' On the Sublime - Session 3
Lecture 8 - Scott James' The First Romantic Critic
Lecture 9 - Philip Sidney's - An Apology for Poetry - Session 1
Lecture 10 - Philip Sidney's - An Apology for Poetry - Session 2
Lecture 11 - Philip Sidney's - An Apology for Poetry - Session 3
Lecture 12 - Philip Sidney's - An Apology for Poetry - Session 4
Lecture 13 - The Foundations of Western Philosophy
Lecture 14 - Horace's Ars Poetica
Lecture 15 - John Dryden's 'Preface to The Fables'
Lecture 16 - Critical Importance of Aphra Behn
Lecture 17 - Samuel Johnson's Preface to Shakespeare - Session 1
Lecture 18 - Samuel Johnson's Preface to Shakespeare - Session 2
Lecture 19 - Samuel Johnson's Preface to Shakespeare - Session 3
Lecture 20 - Samuel Johnson's Preface to Shakespeare - Session 4
Lecture 21 - Wordsworth's 'Preface to Lyrical Ballads'
Lecture 22 - Coleridge's 'Biographia Literaria' (Chapter 13 and 14)
Lecture 23 - Shelley's A Defence of Poetry - Part 1
Lecture 24 - Shelley's A Defence of Poetry - Part 2
Lecture 25 - Shelley's A Defence of Poetry - Part 3
Lecture 26 - Shelley's A Defence of Poetry - Part 4
Lecture 27 - Introduction to Peter Barry's Literary Theory
Lecture 28 - Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Women
Lecture 29 - Edgar Allan Poe's The Poetic Principle - Part 1
Lecture 30 - Edgar Allan Poe's The Poetic Principle - Part 2
Lecture 31 - Leo Tolstoy's What is Art?
Lecture 32 - Matthew Arnold's Study of Poetry
Lecture 33 - Matthew Arnold's Sweetness and Light
Lecture 34 - Russian Formalism
Lecture 35 - Henry James 'The Art of Fiction' (Session 1)
Lecture 36 - T.S. Eliot's 'Tradition and Individual Talent'
Lecture 37 - T.S. Eliot's 'Tradition and Individual Talent' (Session 2)
Lecture 38 - Virginia Woolf's 'Modern Fiction'
Lecture 39 - Virginia Woolf's 'Modern Fiction' (Session 2)
Lecture 40 - Virginia Woolf's 'A Room of One's Own'
Lecture 41 - Virginia Woolf's 'A Room of One's Own' (Session 1)
Lecture 42 - Virginia Woolf's 'A Room of One's Own' (Session 2)
Lecture 43 - Virginia Woolf's 'A Room of One's Own' (Session 3)
Lecture 44 - Rene Wellek's The New Criticism: Pro and Contra
Lecture 45 - Walter Benjamin's The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction - 1
Lecture 46 - Walter Benjamin's The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction - 2
Lecture 47 - Walter Benjamin's The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction - 3
Lecture 48 - Walter Benjamin's The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction - 4
Lecture 49 - Walter Benjamin's The Storyteller
Lecture 50 - FR Leavis
Lecture 51 - FR Leavis's 'The Great Tradition' (Session 1)
Lecture 52 - FR Leavis's 'The Great Tradition' (Session 2)
Lecture 53 - FR Leavis's 'The Great Tradition' (Session 3)
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Literary Criticism (From Plato to Leavis)
Lecture 8 - Scott James' The First Romantic Critic
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