Lecture 1 - Introduction
Lecture 2 - What is an entrepreneurship ?
Lecture 3 - What do you understand by IP ?
Lecture 4 - Whether entrepreneurship and IP related? What is role of IP straegy in entrepreneurship?
Lecture 5 - Case study I - IT industry
Lecture 6 - Innovation, invention and creativity
Lecture 7 - Types of innovation
Lecture 8 - Innovation, market and IP
Lecture 9 - Open innovation and IP
Lecture 10 - Case Study II - Biotechnology
Lecture 11 - Trademark - Definition
Lecture 12 - Trademark - Types
Lecture 13 - Trademark - Registration
Lecture 14 - Trademark infringement
Lecture 15 - Case study III - Textile industry
Lecture 16 - Patent - introduction
Lecture 17 - Patent infringement
Lecture 18 - Patent strategies - I
Lecture 19 - Patent strategies - II
Lecture 20 - Capsule version
Lecture 21 - Copyright - Definition and subject matter
Lecture 22 - Copyright and related rights
Lecture 23 - Copyright registration and entrepreneurship
Lecture 24 - Copyright infringement
Lecture 25 - Case study IV - Film industry
Lecture 26 - Industrial Design- Definition, concept
Lecture 27 - Industrial Designs Act - Key features
Lecture 28 - Industrial Design-Business
Lecture 29 - Industrial Design infringement
Lecture 30 - Case study V - Automobile industry
Lecture 31 - IP strategy for start-up and MSME
Lecture 32 - IP transaction - introduction
Lecture 33 - IP valuation, bank loan, insurance
Lecture 34 - Success story and business model of a few start-ups
Lecture 35 - Case Study VI - Agriculture
Lecture 36 - Incubators, research parks
Lecture 37 - Various Government policies
Lecture 38 - Various Government policies
Lecture 39 - Capsule revision
Lecture 40 - Am I ready to venture my start up? (Course applicability)
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Entrepreneurship and IP strategy
Lecture 9 - Open innovation and IP
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