Lecture 1 - Introduction
Lecture 2 - The Scope of English Studies
Lecture 3 - The English Language
Lecture 4 - International English
Lecture 5 - The Globalization of English
Lecture 6 - World Englishes
Lecture 7 - The Rise of Cultural Studies
Lecture 8 - Old English
Lecture 9 - Middle English
Lecture 10 - Early Modern English
Lecture 11 - Modern English - 1
Lecture 12 - Modern English - 2
Lecture 13 - The Age of Chaucer
Lecture 14 - The Age of Shakespeare
Lecture 15 - Milton and his Times
Lecture 16 - The Augustans
Lecture 17 - The Romantics
Lecture 18 - The Victorians
Lecture 19 - Modern Literature
Lecture 20 - The Novel
Lecture 21 - Poetry
Lecture 22 - Drama
Lecture 23 - Essay
Lecture 24 - Short story
Lecture 25 - Biography
Lecture 26 - Autobiography
Lecture 27 - History Of English Language
Lecture 28 - Marxist Literary Criticism
Lecture 29 - Feminist Criticism
Lecture 30 - Structuralist Criticism
Lecture 31 - Poststructuralism
Lecture 32 - Postcolonialism
Lecture 33 - Cognitive Approaches To Literature
Lecture 34 - Classical Criticism
Lecture 35 - Liberal Humanism
Lecture 36 - Reader-response Criticism
Lecture 37 - New Historicism
Lecture 38 - Ecocriticism
NPTEL Video Course : English Language and Literature
Lecture 29 - Feminist Criticism
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