Lecture 1 - Representations of Dynamical Systems
Lecture 2 - Vector Fields of Nonlinear Systems
Lecture 3 - Limit Cycles
Lecture 4 - The Lorenz Equation - I
Lecture 5 - The Lorenz Equation - II
Lecture 6 - The Rossler Equation and Forced Pendulum
Lecture 7 - The Chua's Circuit
Lecture 8 - Discrete Time Dynamical Systems
Lecture 9 - The Logistic Map and Period doubling
Lecture 10 - Flip and Tangent Bifurcations
Lecture 11 - Intermittency Transcritical and pitchfork
Lecture 12 - Two Dimensional Maps
Lecture 13 - Bifurcations in Two Dimensional Maps
Lecture 14 - Introduction to Fractals
Lecture 15 - Mandelbrot Sets and Julia Sets
Lecture 16 - The Space Where Fractals Live
Lecture 17 - Interactive Function Systems
Lecture 18 - IFS Algorithms
Lecture 19 - Fractal Image Compression
Lecture 20 - Stable and Unstable Manifolds
Lecture 21 - Boundary Crisis and Interior Crisis
Lecture 22 - Statistics of Chaotic Attractors
Lecture 23 - Matrix Times Circle : Ellipse
Lecture 24 - Lyapunov Exponent
Lecture 25 - Frequency Spectra of Orbits
Lecture 26 - Dynamics on a Torus
Lecture 27 - Dynamics on a Torus
Lecture 28 - Analysis of Chaotic Time Series
Lecture 29 - Analysis of Chaotic Time Series
Lecture 30 - Lyapunou Function and Centre Manifold Theory
Lecture 31 - Non-Smooth Bifurcations
Lecture 32 - Non-Smooth Bifurcations
Lecture 33 - Normal from for Piecewise Smooth 2D Maps
Lecture 34 - Bifurcations in Piecewise Linear 2D Maps
Lecture 35 - Bifurcations in Piecewise Linear 2D Maps
Lecture 36 - Multiple Attractor Bifurcation and Dangerous
Lecture 37 - Dynamics of Discontinuous Maps
Lecture 38 - Introduction to Floquet Theory
Lecture 39 - The Monodromy Matrix and the Saltation Matrix
Lecture 40 - Control of Chaos
Lecture 1 - Representations of Dynamical Systems
Lecture 2 - Vector Fields of Nonlinear Systems
Lecture 3 - Limit Cycles
Lecture 4 - The Lorenz Equation - I
Lecture 5 - The Lorenz Equation - II
Lecture 6 - The Rossler Equation and Forced Pendulum
Lecture 7 - The Chua's Circuit
Lecture 8 - Discrete Time Dynamical Systems
Lecture 9 - The Logistic Map and Period doubling
Lecture 10 - Flip and Tangent Bifurcations
Lecture 11 - Intermittency Transcritical and pitchfork
Lecture 12 - Two Dimensional Maps
Lecture 13 - Bifurcations in Two Dimensional Maps
Lecture 14 - Introduction to Fractals
Lecture 15 - Mandelbrot Sets and Julia Sets
Lecture 16 - The Space Where Fractals Live
Lecture 17 - Interactive Function Systems
Lecture 18 - IFS Algorithms
Lecture 19 - Fractal Image Compression
Lecture 20 - Stable and Unstable Manifolds
Lecture 21 - Boundary Crisis and Interior Crisis
Lecture 22 - Statistics of Chaotic Attractors
Lecture 23 - Matrix Times Circle : Ellipse
Lecture 24 - Lyapunov Exponent
Lecture 25 - Frequency Spectra of Orbits
Lecture 26 - Dynamics on a Torus
Lecture 27 - Dynamics on a Torus
Lecture 28 - Analysis of Chaotic Time Series
Lecture 29 - Analysis of Chaotic Time Series
Lecture 30 - Lyapunou Function and Centre Manifold Theory
Lecture 31 - Non-Smooth Bifurcations
Lecture 32 - Non-Smooth Bifurcations
Lecture 33 - Normal from for Piecewise Smooth 2D Maps
Lecture 34 - Bifurcations in Piecewise Linear 2D Maps
Lecture 35 - Bifurcations in Piecewise Linear 2D Maps
Lecture 36 - Multiple Attractor Bifurcation and Dangerous
Lecture 37 - Dynamics of Discontinuous Maps
Lecture 38 - Introduction to Floquet Theory
Lecture 39 - The Monodromy Matrix and the Saltation Matrix
Lecture 40 - Control of Chaos
NPTEL Video Course : Chaos, Fractals and Dynamic Systems
Lecture 3 - Limit Cycles
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