Lecture 1 - Introduction to Electric Drives
Lecture 2 - Dynamics of Electric Drives, Four Quadrant Operation, Equivalent Drive Parameters
Lecture 3 - Equivalent Drive Parameters, Friction Components, Nature of Load Torque
Lecture 4 - Steady State Stability, Load Equalization
Lecture 5 - Load Equalization, Characteristics of DC Motor
Lecture 6 - Speed Torque Characteristics of Separately Excited DC Motor and Series DC Motor
Lecture 7 - Field Control of Series Motor, Motoring and Braking of Separately Excited and Series DC motors
Lecture 8 - Speed Control of Separately Excited DC Motor Using Controlled Rectifiers
Lecture 9 - Analysis of Single Phase Full Controlled Converter-fed Separately Excited DC Motor
Lecture 10 - Speed Torque Characteristics of Full Controlled Converter-fed Separately Excited DC Motor, Analysis of Single Phase Half Controlled Converter-fed Separately Excited DC Motor
Lecture 11 - Analysis of Single Phase Half Controlled Converter-fed Separately Excited DC Motor.
Lecture 12 - Three Phase Full Controlled Converter-fed Separately Excited DC Motor, Multi-quadrant Operation of DC Motor
Lecture 13 - Dual Converter-fed DC Motor, Multi-quadrant Operation Using Field Current Reversal
Lecture 14 - DC Chopper-fed Separately Excited DC Motor for Motoring and Braking
Lecture 15 - Two-quadrant DC Chopper, Four-quadrant DC Chopper
Lecture 16 - Dynamic Braking of DC Motor by Chopper Controlled Resistor, Closed-loop Operation of DC Drives, Induction Motor Drives
Lecture 17 - Speed Torque Characteristics of Induction Motor, Operation of Induction Motor from Non-sinusoidal Supply
Lecture 18 - Operation of Induction Motor from Non-sinusoidal Supply
Lecture 19 - Stator Current of Induction Motor with Non-sinusoidal Supply, Operation of Induction Motor with Unbalanced Voltage Supply
Lecture 20 - Single Phasing of Induction Motor, Braking of Induction Motor
Lecture 21 - Dynamic braking of induction motor, AC dynamic braking, DC dynamic braking
Lecture 22 - Analysis of DC dynamic braking of induction motor
Lecture 23 - Self-excited dynamic braking of induction motor, Speed control of induction motor using stator voltage regulator, Variable voltage variable frequency control
Lecture 24 - Variable voltage variable frequency control of induction motor, Open loop V/F control
Lecture 25 - Slip speed control of induction motor, Constant Volt/Hz control with slip speed regulation
Lecture 26 - Closed-loop Volt/Hz control of induction motor with slip speed regulation, Multi-quadrant operation of induction motor drive
Lecture 27 - Current Source Inverter (CSI) fed induction motor drive
Lecture 28 - Closed-loop operation of current source inverter (CSI) fed induction motor drive, Control of slip ring induction motor - Static rotor resistance control
Lecture 29 - Closed-loop operation of slip ring induction motor with static rotor resistance control, Slip power recovery in slip ring induction motor - Static Kramer drive
Lecture 30 - Static Kramer drive and its closed-loop control, Introduction to synchronous motor
Lecture 31 - Various types of synchronous motors, Equivalent circuit and phasor diagram of cylindrical synchronous motor, Speed-torque characteristics of cylindrical synchronous motor
Lecture 32 - Phasor diagram of salient pole synchronous motor, Expression of power and torque for a salient pole synchronous motor, Synchronous reluctance motor, Open-loop V/f control of synchronous motor
Lecture 33 - Open-loop V/f control, Torque-speed characteristics, Self controlled synchronous motor drive employing load commutated thyristor inverter
Lecture 34 - Detailed analysis of commutation of load commutated thyrisor inverter, Derivation of overlap angle and margin angle, Closed-loop speed control scheme for load commutated inverter-fed synchronous motor drive
Lecture 35 - Low cost brushless DC motor (BLDCM), Trapezoidal permanent magnet AC motor
Lecture 36 - Trapezoidal permanent magnet AC motor, Derivation of power and torque, Closed-loop control of trapezoidal BLDC motor, Introduction to switched reluctance motor
Lecture 37 - Construction and operating principle of switched reluctance motor
Lecture 38 - Current/ voltage control for switched reluctance motor, operating modes of switched reluctance motor, Introduction to traction drives
Lecture 39 - Current collector for mainline trains, Nature of traction load, Duty cycle of traction drives
Lecture 40 - Duty cycle of traction drives, Distance between two stops, Calculation of total tractive effort and drive rating
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Fundamentals of Electric Drives
Lecture 21 - Dynamic braking of induction motor, AC dynamic braking, DC dynamic braking
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