Lecture 1 - Principles of Signals and Systems- Introduction to Signals and Systems, Signal Classification - Continuous and Discrete Time Signals
Lecture 2 - Analog and Digital Signals
Lecture 3 - Energy and Power Signals
Lecture 4 - Real Exponential Signals
Lecture 5 - Memory/Memory-less and Causal/Non-Causal Systems
Lecture 6 - Properties of Linear Systems
Lecture 7 - Example Problems - 1
Lecture 8 - Example Problems - 2
Lecture 9 - Example Problems - 3
Lecture 10 - Properties and Analysis of LTI Systems - I
Lecture 11 - Properties and Analysis of LTI Systems - II
Lecture 12 - Properties and Analysis of LTI Systems - III
Lecture 13 - Properties of Discrete Time LTI Systems
Lecture 14 - Example Problems LTI Systems - I
Lecture 15 - Example Problems LTI Systems - II
Lecture 16 - Example Problems DT-LTI Systems
Lecture 17 - Laplace Transform
Lecture 18 - Laplace Transform Properties - I
Lecture 19 - Laplace Transform Properties - II
Lecture 20 - Laplace Transform of LTI Systems
Lecture 21 - Laplace Transform Example Problems - I
Lecture 22 - Laplace Transform Example Problems - II
Lecture 23 - Laplace Transform of RL, RC Circuit
Lecture 24 - Z-Transform
Lecture 25 - Z-Transform Properties - I
Lecture 26 - Z-Transform Properties - II
Lecture 27 - Z-Transform of LTI Systems
Lecture 28 - Z-Transform Examples - I
Lecture 29 - Z-Transform Examples - II
Lecture 30 - Z-Transform Examples - III
Lecture 31 - Z-Transform Examples - IV
Lecture 32 - Inverse Z-Transform
Lecture 33 - Fourier Analysis Introduction
Lecture 34 - Complex Exponential and Trigonometric FS
Lecture 35 - Conditions for Existence of FS
Lecture 36 - Fourier Transform (FT) Introduction
Lecture 37 - Properties of Fourier Transform - I
Lecture 38 - Properties of Fourier Transform - II
Lecture 39 - Fourier Transform - Parseval’s Relation
Lecture 40 - Fourier Transform of LTI Systems
Lecture 41 - FT- Ideal and Non-Ideal Filters
Lecture 42 - Fourier Analysis Examples - I
Lecture 43 - Fourier Analysis Examples - II
Lecture 44 - Fourier Analysis Examples - III
Lecture 45 - Fourier Analysis Examples - IV
Lecture 46 - Fourier Analysis Examples - V
Lecture 47 - Fourier Analysis Examples - VI
Lecture 48 - Fourier Analysis Bode Plot - I
Lecture 49 - Fourier Analysis Bode Plot - II
Lecture 50 - Fourier Transform Examples: Filtering - Ideal Low Pass Filter
Lecture 51 - Fourier Transform Problems: Unit Step Response of RC Circuit, Sampling of Continuous Signal
Lecture 52 - Sampling: Spectrum of Sampled Signal, Nyquist Criterion
Lecture 53 - Sampling: Reconstruction from Sampled Signal
Lecture 54 - Fourier Analysis of Discrete Time Signals and Systems - Introduction
Lecture 55 - Fourier Analysis of Discrete Time Signals - Duality, Parseval’s Theorem
Lecture 56 - Discrete Time Fourier Transform: Definition, Inverse DTFT, Convergence, Relation between DTFT and z-Transform, DTFT of Common Signals
Lecture 57 - Discrete Time Fourier Transform: Properties of DTFT - Linearity, Time Shifting, Frequency Shifting, Conjugation, Time-Reversal, Duality
Lecture 58 - Discrete Time Fourier Transform: Properties of DTFT - Differentiation in Frequency, Difference in Time, Convolution, Multiplication, Parseval’s Relation
Lecture 59 - DTFT: Discrete Time LTI Systems - LTI Systems Characterized by Difference Equations
Lecture 60 - Discrete Fourier Transform - Definition, Inverse DFT, Relation between DFT and DFS, Relation between DFT and DTFT, Properties - Linearity, Time Shifting
Lecture 61 - Discrete Fourier Transform: Properties - Conjugation, Frequency Shift, Duality, Circular Convolution, Multiplication, Parseval’s Relation, Example Problems for Fourier Analysis of Discrete Time Signals
Lecture 62 - Example Problems: DFS Analysis of Discrete Time Signals, Problems on DTFT
Lecture 63 - Example Problems: DTFT of Cosine, Unit Step Signals
Lecture 64 - DTFT Example Problems - III
Lecture 65 - DTFT Example Problems - IV
Lecture 66 - DTFT Example Problems - V
Lecture 67 - DFT Example Problems - I
Lecture 68 - Example Problems: DFT, IDFT in Matrix form
Lecture 69 - Group/Phase Delay - Part I
Lecture 70 - Group/Phase Delay - Part II
Lecture 71 - IIR Filter Structures: DF-I, DF-II
Lecture 72 - IIR Filter Structures: Transpose Form
Lecture 73 - IIR Filter Structures: Example
Lecture 74 - IIR Filter Structures: Cascade Form
Lecture 75 - IIR Filter: Parallel Form-I and II
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Principles of Signals and Systems
Lecture 44 - Fourier Analysis Examples - III
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