Lecture 1 - Introduction to Applied Elecromagnetics
Lecture 2 - Introduction to Transmission lines
Lecture 3 - Sinusoidal waves on Transmission lines
Lecture 4 - Terminating T-lines: Reflection and Transmission coefficient
Lecture 5 - Circuit parameters of a T-line
Lecture 6 - Lossy Transmission lines and primary constants
Lecture 7 - When to apply T-line Theory?
Lecture 8 - Standing Waves on T-lines
Lecture 9 - Lumped equivalent circuits of T-lines
Lecture 10 - Impedance transformation and power flow on T-lines
Lecture 11 - Graphical aid: Smith Chart Derivation
Lecture 12 - Smith chart applications
Lecture 13 - Further applications of Smith chart - Part 1
Lecture 14 - Further applications of Smith chart - Part 2
Lecture 15 - Impedance matching techniques - Part 1
Lecture 16 - Impedance matching techniques - Part 2
Lecture 17 - Impedance matching techniques - Part 3
Lecture 18 - T-lines in time domain: Lattice diagrams
Lecture 19 - Further examples of use of lattice diagrams
Lecture 20 - High-speed digital signal propagation on T-lines
Lecture 21 - Transient analysis with reactive termination and Time-domain reflectometry
Lecture 22 - Fault detection using TDR
Lecture 23 - Why Electromagnetics?
Lecture 24 - Rectangular coordinate systems
Lecture 25 - Cylindrical coordinate systems
Lecture 26 - Review of vector fields and Gradient
Lecture 27 - Divergence, Curl, and Laplacian operations
Lecture 28 - Towards Maxwells equations - Part 1
Lecture 29 - Towards Maxwells equations - Part 2
Lecture 30 - Faradays law
Lecture 31 - Completing Maxwells equations and Boundary conditions
Lecture 32 - Boundary conditions for Electromagnetic fields
Lecture 33 - Electrostatics-I: Laplace and Poissons equations
Lecture 34 - Electrostatics-II: Solving Laplaces equation in 1D
Lecture 35 - Electrostatics-III: Solving Laplaces equation in 2D
Lecture 36 - Electrostatics-IV: Finite Difference method for solving Laplaces equation
Lecture 37 - Magnetostatic fields-I: Biot-Savart Law
Lecture 38 - Magnetostatic fields-II: Calculation of magnetic fields
Lecture 39 - Inductance calculations
Lecture 40 - From Maxwells equations to uniform plane waves
Lecture 41 - Plane wave propagation in lossless dielectric media
Lecture 42 - Polarization of plane waves
Lecture 43 - Can an Ideal capacitor exist?
Lecture 44 - Skin effect in conductors
Lecture 45 - Skin effect in round wires
Lecture 46 - Finite difference method
Lecture 47 - Reflection of uniform plane waves
Lecture 48 - Application: Reflection from multiple media and anti-reflection coating.
Lecture 49 - Oblique incidence of plane waves
Lecture 50 - Total internal reflection
Lecture 51 - Application: Matrix analysis of reflection from multiple boundaries
Lecture 52 - Application: Fabry-Perot cavity and Multi-layer films
Lecture 53 - Introduction to waveguides
Lecture 54 - Rectangular waveguides
Lecture 55 - Attenuation and Dispersion in rectangular waveguides
Lecture 56 - Planar optical waveguides
Lecture 57 - Application: Optical Fibers
Lecture 58 - Application: WDM Optical Components
Lecture 59 - Mach-Zehnder Modulator
Lecture 60 - Wave Propagation in Anisotropic Medium
Lecture 61 - Wave Propagation in Ferrites
Lecture 62 - Magnetic Vector Potential - Part 1
Lecture 63 - Magnetic Vector Potential - Part 2
Lecture 64 - Fields of a Dipole Antenna
Lecture 65 - Antenna Parameters and Long wire Antenna
Lecture 66 - Friis Transmission Formula
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Applied Engineering Electromagnetics
Lecture 53 - Introduction to waveguides
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