Lecture 1 - Introduction to EMT
Lecture 2 - Coulombs law
Lecture 3 - Vector analysis-I and Introduction to coordinate system
Lecture 4 - Rectangular coordinate system
Lecture 5 - Vector analysis-II
Lecture 6 - Introduction to Electric field
Lecture 7 - Electric field-I
Lecture 8 - Cylindrical coordinate system
Lecture 9 - Transformation and Electric field-II
Lecture 10 - Electric Potential-I
Lecture 11 - Spherical co-ordinate system and Electric potential-II
Lecture 12 - Vector Analysis-III and Electric potential-III
Lecture 13 - Gausss law and its application-I
Lecture 14 - Gausss law and its application-II
Lecture 15 - Divergence and Poissons and Laplaces equation
Lecture 16 - Gausss law and its application -III
Lecture 17 - Vector analysis III (curl and its significance)
Lecture 18 - Conductor and dielectric-I
Lecture 19 - Polarization - I
Lecture 20 - Polarization - II
Lecture 21 - Polarization - II (Continued...)
Lecture 22 - Boundary condition
Lecture 23 - Continuity equation and Conductors - III
Lecture 24 - Conductors IV
Lecture 25 - Conductors IV (Continued...) and Capacitor - I
Lecture 26 - Capacitor - II
Lecture 27 - Capacitor - II (Continued...) and Equipotential Surfaces
Lecture 28 - Solution of Laplaces equation-I
Lecture 29 - Solution of Laplaces equation-I I and method of images-I
Lecture 30 - Method of images-II
Lecture 31 - Solution of Laplaces equation-III
Lecture 32 - Solution of Laplaces equation-IV
Lecture 33 - Introduction of magnetic field
Lecture 34 - Biot savart law and its application
Lecture 35 - Biot savart lawandits application-II
Lecture 36 - Magnetic vector potential
Lecture 37 - Magnetic force, torque and dipole
Lecture 38 - Magnetic force, torque and dipole (Continued...)
Lecture 39 - Magnetic materials-I
Lecture 40 - Magnetic materials-I (Continued...) and Magnetic moment
Lecture 41 - Magnetic materials-I (Continued...) and Boundary condition for Magnetic fields
Lecture 42 - Inductor and calculation of inductance for different shapes
Lecture 43 - Inductor and calculation of inductance for different shapes (Continued...)
Lecture 44 - Faradays law and its application-I
Lecture 45 - Faradays law and its application-II
Lecture 46 - Displacement current
Lecture 47 - Maxwells equation
Lecture 48 - Wave propagation
Lecture 49 - Solution of Helmholtz equation
Lecture 50 - Uniform plane waves
Lecture 51 - Polarization and Poynting Vector
Lecture 52 - Wave reflections (Normal incidence)
Lecture 53 - Waves in imperfect dielectrics and Good conductors
Lecture 54 - Skin depth/effect
Lecture 55 - Oblique incidence of waves
Lecture 56 - Oblique incidence of waves (Continued...)
Lecture 57 - Transmission line
Lecture 58 - Transmission line model
Lecture 59 - Steady state sinusoidal response of T-line-I
Lecture 60 - Steady state sinusoidal response of T-line-II
Lecture 61 - Steady state sinusoidal response of T-line-IIand Smith chart
Lecture 62 - Application of smith chart-I
Lecture 63 - Application of smith chart-II
Lecture 64 - Impedance matching
Lecture 65 - Transients on Transmission line-I
Lecture 66 - Transients on Transmission line-II
Lecture 67 - Pulse on Transmission line
Lecture 68 - Capacitive termination in Transmission line
Lecture 69 - Waveguide
Lecture 70 - Waveguide Analysis
Lecture 71 - TM modes in Waveguide
Lecture 72 - Rectangular waveguide: TM modes
Lecture 73 - Rectangular waveguide: TE modes
Lecture 74 - Waveguide: Wavelength, Impedance and power calculation
Lecture 75 - Waveguide losses
Lecture 76 - Dielectric Waveguide
Lecture 77 - Dielectric Waveguide (Continued...)
Lecture 78 - Radiation and Antenna
Lecture 79 - Hertzian Dipole Antenna
Lecture 80 - Hertzian Dipole Antenna (Continued...)
Lecture 81 - Quasi-statistics-I
Lecture 82 - Quasi-statistics-II
Lecture 83 - Long wire Antenna
Lecture 84 - Group velocity and Phase velocity
Lecture 85 - Numerical solution of Laplace's equation
Lecture 1 - Introduction to EMT
Lecture 2 - Coulombs law
Lecture 3 - Vector analysis-I and Introduction to coordinate system
Lecture 4 - Rectangular coordinate system
Lecture 5 - Vector analysis-II
Lecture 6 - Introduction to Electric field
Lecture 7 - Electric field-I
Lecture 8 - Cylindrical coordinate system
Lecture 9 - Transformation and Electric field-II
Lecture 10 - Electric Potential-I
Lecture 11 - Spherical co-ordinate system and Electric potential-II
Lecture 12 - Vector Analysis-III and Electric potential-III
Lecture 13 - Gausss law and its application-I
Lecture 14 - Gausss law and its application-II
Lecture 15 - Divergence and Poissons and Laplaces equation
Lecture 16 - Gausss law and its application -III
Lecture 17 - Vector analysis III (curl and its significance)
Lecture 18 - Conductor and dielectric-I
Lecture 19 - Polarization - I
Lecture 20 - Polarization - II
Lecture 21 - Polarization - II (Continued...)
Lecture 22 - Boundary condition
Lecture 23 - Continuity equation and Conductors - III
Lecture 24 - Conductors IV
Lecture 25 - Conductors IV (Continued...) and Capacitor - I
Lecture 26 - Capacitor - II
Lecture 27 - Capacitor - II (Continued...) and Equipotential Surfaces
Lecture 28 - Solution of Laplaces equation-I
Lecture 29 - Solution of Laplaces equation-I I and method of images-I
Lecture 30 - Method of images-II
Lecture 31 - Solution of Laplaces equation-III
Lecture 32 - Solution of Laplaces equation-IV
Lecture 33 - Introduction of magnetic field
Lecture 34 - Biot savart law and its application
Lecture 35 - Biot savart lawandits application-II
Lecture 36 - Magnetic vector potential
Lecture 37 - Magnetic force, torque and dipole
Lecture 38 - Magnetic force, torque and dipole (Continued...)
Lecture 39 - Magnetic materials-I
Lecture 40 - Magnetic materials-I (Continued...) and Magnetic moment
Lecture 41 - Magnetic materials-I (Continued...) and Boundary condition for Magnetic fields
Lecture 42 - Inductor and calculation of inductance for different shapes
Lecture 43 - Inductor and calculation of inductance for different shapes (Continued...)
Lecture 44 - Faradays law and its application-I
Lecture 45 - Faradays law and its application-II
Lecture 46 - Displacement current
Lecture 47 - Maxwells equation
Lecture 48 - Wave propagation
Lecture 49 - Solution of Helmholtz equation
Lecture 50 - Uniform plane waves
Lecture 51 - Polarization and Poynting Vector
Lecture 52 - Wave reflections (Normal incidence)
Lecture 53 - Waves in imperfect dielectrics and Good conductors
Lecture 54 - Skin depth/effect
Lecture 55 - Oblique incidence of waves
Lecture 56 - Oblique incidence of waves (Continued...)
Lecture 57 - Transmission line
Lecture 58 - Transmission line model
Lecture 59 - Steady state sinusoidal response of T-line-I
Lecture 60 - Steady state sinusoidal response of T-line-II
Lecture 61 - Steady state sinusoidal response of T-line-IIand Smith chart
Lecture 62 - Application of smith chart-I
Lecture 63 - Application of smith chart-II
Lecture 64 - Impedance matching
Lecture 65 - Transients on Transmission line-I
Lecture 66 - Transients on Transmission line-II
Lecture 67 - Pulse on Transmission line
Lecture 68 - Capacitive termination in Transmission line
Lecture 69 - Waveguide
Lecture 70 - Waveguide Analysis
Lecture 71 - TM modes in Waveguide
Lecture 72 - Rectangular waveguide: TM modes
Lecture 73 - Rectangular waveguide: TE modes
Lecture 74 - Waveguide: Wavelength, Impedance and power calculation
Lecture 75 - Waveguide losses
Lecture 76 - Dielectric Waveguide
Lecture 77 - Dielectric Waveguide (Continued...)
Lecture 78 - Radiation and Antenna
Lecture 79 - Hertzian Dipole Antenna
Lecture 80 - Hertzian Dipole Antenna (Continued...)
Lecture 81 - Quasi-statistics-I
Lecture 82 - Quasi-statistics-II
Lecture 83 - Long wire Antenna
Lecture 84 - Group velocity and Phase velocity
Lecture 85 - Numerical solution of Laplace's equation
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Electromagnetic theory
Lecture 35 - Biot savart lawandits application-II
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