Lecture 1 - Microwave Theory and Techniques Introduction - I
Lecture 2 - Microwave Theory and Techniques Introduction - II
Lecture 3 - Microwave Theory and Techniques Introduction - III
Lecture 4 - Effects of Microwaves on Human Body - I
Lecture 5 - Effects of Microwaves on Human Body - II
Lecture 6 - Waveguides - I: Parallel Plane Waveguides
Lecture 7 - Waveguides - II: Parallel Plane Waveguides
Lecture 8 - Waveguides - III: Rectangular Waveguides
Lecture 9 - Transmission Lines - I: Coaxial Cables, Strip Lines and Microstrip Lines
Lecture 10 - Transmission Lines - II: Transmission Line Model, Open and Short Circuited Lossless Transmission Lines
Lecture 11 - Smith Chart and Impedance Matching - I: using Quarter Wave Transformer
Lecture 12 - Smith Chart and Impedance Matching - II: using Lumped Components
Lecture 13 - Smith Chart and Impedance Matching - III: using Short and Open Circuited Stubs
Lecture 14 - ABCD - Parameters
Lecture 15 - S - Parameters
Lecture 16 - Power Dividers - I: Two-way, Three-way and Four-way Equal Power Dividers
Lecture 17 - Power Dividers - II: Unequal, Broadband and Compact Power Dividers
Lecture 18 - Microwave Couplers - I: Coupled Line Directional Couplers
Lecture 19 - Microwave Couplers - II: Branch Line Couplers
Lecture 20 - Microwave Couplers - III: Rat race Coupler and Applications
Lecture 21 - Microwave Filters - I: Filters and Low Pass Butterworth Filter
Lecture 22 - Microwave Filters - II: Low Pass Chebyshev Filters
Lecture 23 - Microwave Filters - III: Microstrip Realization, Transformation from LPF to other Filters
Lecture 24 - Microwave Filters - IV: Band Pass Filters
Lecture 25 - Microwave Filters - V: Coupled Line and Tunable Band Pass Filters
Lecture 26 - Microwave Diodes: PN Junction , Varactor, Schottky, PIN, Tunnel, and GUNN Diodes
Lecture 27 - Microwave Attenuators: Fixed and Variable Attenuators
Lecture 28 - Microwave RF Switches: Series and Shunt SPST
Lecture 29 - Series and Shunt SPDT Switches and Introduction to Phase Shifters
Lecture 30 - Microwave Phase Shifters: Switched and Loaded Line
Lecture 31 - Microwave Transistors: BJT, HBT, JFET, MOSFET, MESFET and HEMT
Lecture 32 - Microwave Amplifiers - I: Basics and Power Gain Expressions
Lecture 33 - Microwave Amplifiers - II: Stability and Constant Gain Circles
Lecture 34 - Microwave Amplifiers - III: Design Example
Lecture 35 - Low Noise Amplifiers - I: Noise Sources and Noise Figure
Lecture 36 - Low Noise Amplifiers - II: NF Circles and LNA Design
Lecture 37 - Power Amplifiers
Lecture 38 - Microwave Tubes - I : Linear Beam Tubes- Two Cavity Klystron
Lecture 39 - Microwave Tubes - II: Linear Beam Tubes- Reflex Klystron and TWT
Lecture 40 - Microwave Tubes - III: Crossed Field Tubes- Magnetron
Lecture 41 - Microwave Oscillators - I
Lecture 42 - Microwave Oscillators - II
Lecture 43 - Microwave Mixers - I: Fundamentals
Lecture 44 - Microwave Mixers - II: Circuits
Lecture 45 - Microwave Mixers - III: Design
Lecture 46 - Fundamentals of Antennas
Lecture 47 - Dipole, Monopole, loop and Slot Antennas
Lecture 48 - Linear and Planar Arrays
Lecture 49 - Microstrip Antennas
Lecture 50 - Horn and Helical Antennas
Lecture 51 - Yagi - Uda, Log-Periodic and Reflector Antennas
Lecture 52 - RF MEMS and Microwave Imaging
Lecture 53 - Microwave Systems
Lecture 54 - Microwave Measurements and Lab Demonstration
Lecture 55 - CST Software Introduction with Filter Design
Lecture 56 - Power Divider and Combiner Design in CST
Lecture 57 - Hybrid Coupler Design
Lecture 58 - Antenna Design and Amplifier Simulation in CST
Lecture 59 - Mixer Design in NI AWR Software - I
Lecture 60 - Mixer Design in NI AWR Software - II
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Microwave Theory and Techniques
Lecture 11 - Smith Chart and Impedance Matching - I: using Quarter Wave Transformer
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