Lecture 1 - Introduction
Lecture 2 - Situating Ethnography
Lecture 3 - Engaging with the Other
Lecture 4 - Equality and Empathy
Lecture 5 - Notions of Reality
Lecture 6 - Objectivity and Subjectivity
Lecture 7 - Conclusion
Lecture 8 - Introduction
Lecture 9 - The Ethnographic Process
Lecture 10 - Ethnography: Process or Product
Lecture 11 - Fundamental Concepts
Lecture 12 - Fundamental Concepts (Continued...)
Lecture 13 - Conclusion
Lecture 14 - Introduction
Lecture 15 - The Research Question
Lecture 16 - Is Ethnography the Method?
Lecture 17 - Accessing Existing Knowledge
Lecture 18 - Designing Fieldwork
Lecture 19 - Case Studies: Research Question and Applying Ethnography
Lecture 20 - Case Studies: The Value of Existing Knowledge
Lecture 21 - Case Studies: Identifying Participants, Places, Activities
Lecture 22 - Case Studies: Access and Impact
Lecture 23 - Conclusion
Lecture 24 - Access: Not Just Consent
Lecture 25 - Challenges of Access
Lecture 26 - Building Rapport
Lecture 27 - Gaining Trust
Lecture 28 - Limits to Access
Lecture 29 - Immersion
Lecture 30 - The Ethics of Engaging
Lecture 31 - Conclusion: Covert and Overt Research
Lecture 32 - Introduction
Lecture 33 - Types of Observation
Lecture 34 - (ALM) LxT 1: Observing Imponderabilia
Lecture 35 - What to Observe
Lecture 36 - Participant Observation
Lecture 37 - Degrees of Participation
Lecture 38 - Ethnographic Records
Lecture 39 - Conclusion: Types of Ethnographic Records
Lecture 40 - Introduction
Lecture 41 - Forms of Interviews
Lecture 42 - (ALM) LxT 1: Oral History and Ethnography
Lecture 43 - Characteristics of Interviews
Lecture 44 - Listening and Speaking
Lecture 45 - Reflexivity in Interviewing
Lecture 46 - Designing the Interview
Lecture 47 - Designing the Core Discussion - I
Lecture 48 - Designing the Core Discussion - II
Lecture 49 - Doing the Interview - I
Lecture 50 - Doing the Interview - II
Lecture 51 - Conclusion
Lecture 52 - Introduction
Lecture 53 - Researching THE Visual - I
Lecture 54 - Researching THE Visual - II
Lecture 55 - Researching WITH the Visual
Lecture 56 - Choosing the Visual Medium
Lecture 57 - Representation through Visuals
Lecture 58 - (ALM) LxT 1: Part I: Presentation by Anjali Monteiro and KP Jayasankar
Lecture 59 - Reflexivity in Visual Ethnography - I
Lecture 60 - Reflexivity in Visual Ethnography - II
Lecture 61 - Conclusion
Lecture 62 - Introduction
Lecture 63 - Designing Information for HIV-AIDS Affected Persons - Prof. Anirudha Joshi
Lecture 64 - A New Approach to Urban Housing - Prof. Uday Athavankar
Lecture 65 - Cognitive Ethnography - Prof. Sahana Murthy
Lecture 66 - Participative Design for Language Learning - Prof. Alka Hingorani
Lecture 67 - Conclusion
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Understanding Ethnography
Lecture 57 - Representation through Visuals
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