Lecture 0 - Welcome and Initial Setup
Lecture 1 - Reversort
Lecture 2 - Engineering Reversort
Lecture 3 - Number Game
Lecture 4 - Will It Stop?
Lecture 5 - Trouble Sort
Lecture 6 - The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed
Lecture 7 - Magic Ship
Lecture 8 - Simple Skewness
Lecture 9 - Pancake Flipping
Lecture 10 - Islands War
Lecture 11 - Stable Marriage - I
Lecture 12 - Stable Marriage - II
Lecture 13 - When Greedy Does Not Work - Coin Change
Lecture 14 - When Greedy Does Not Work - Guarding a Museum
Lecture 15 - When Greedy Does Not Work - Traveling Salesman
Lecture 16 - DSU - Definition and Motivation
Lecture 17 - DSU via Union by Rank and Path Compression
Lecture 18 - DSU - Implementation
Lecture 19 - Destroying Array - I (Problem Statement and Solution)
Lecture 20 - Destroying Array - II (Implementation)
Lecture 21 - War-I (Problem Statement)
Lecture 22 - War-II (Solution)
Lecture 23 - War-III (Implementation)
Lecture 24 - Graph Foundations
Lecture 25 - BFS and DFS
Lecture 26 - Mahmoud and Ehab and the bipartiteness
Lecture 27 - Cover It!
Lecture 28 - Diamond Inheritance
Lecture 29 - SSSP - Overview BFS Revisited
Lecture 30 - SSSP and Dijkstra's Algorithm
Lecture 31 - Sending Email
Lecture 32 - SSSP and Modified Dijkstra
Lecture 33 - SSSP with Negative Cycles - Bellman-Ford
Lecture 34 - Wormholes
Lecture 35 - APSP and Floyd-Warshall
Lecture 36 - Page Hopping
Lecture 37 - Introduction to MSTs
Lecture 38 - Prim's Algorithm
Lecture 39 - Kruskal's Algorithm
Lecture 40 - Cherries Mesh
Lecture 41 - Heirarchy
Lecture 42 - Island Hopping
Lecture 43 - Introduction to MaxFlow
Lecture 44 - Ford-Fulkerson for MaxFlow
Lecture 45 - Implementing Edmonds-Karp
Lecture 46 - Maximum Matching via MaxFlow
Lecture 47 - Sport Elimination via MaxFlow
Lecture 48 - Maxflow-Mincut Duality
Lecture 49 - Police Chase
Lecture 50 - Sam I AM and Vertex Covers
Lecture 51 - Top-Down Dynamic Programming with Frog 1 - Part A
Lecture 52 - Top-Down Dynamic Programming with Frog 1 - Part B
Lecture 53 - Bottom-Up Dynamic Programming with Dice Combinations
Lecture 0 - Welcome and Initial Setup
Lecture 1 - Reversort
Lecture 2 - Engineering Reversort
Lecture 3 - Number Game
Lecture 4 - Will It Stop?
Lecture 5 - Trouble Sort
Lecture 6 - The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed
Lecture 7 - Magic Ship
Lecture 8 - Simple Skewness
Lecture 9 - Pancake Flipping
Lecture 10 - Islands War
Lecture 11 - Stable Marriage - I
Lecture 12 - Stable Marriage - II
Lecture 13 - When Greedy Does Not Work - Coin Change
Lecture 14 - When Greedy Does Not Work - Guarding a Museum
Lecture 15 - When Greedy Does Not Work - Traveling Salesman
Lecture 16 - DSU - Definition and Motivation
Lecture 17 - DSU via Union by Rank and Path Compression
Lecture 18 - DSU - Implementation
Lecture 19 - Destroying Array - I (Problem Statement and Solution)
Lecture 20 - Destroying Array - II (Implementation)
Lecture 21 - War-I (Problem Statement)
Lecture 22 - War-II (Solution)
Lecture 23 - War-III (Implementation)
Lecture 24 - Graph Foundations
Lecture 25 - BFS and DFS
Lecture 26 - Mahmoud and Ehab and the bipartiteness
Lecture 27 - Cover It!
Lecture 28 - Diamond Inheritance
Lecture 29 - SSSP - Overview BFS Revisited
Lecture 30 - SSSP and Dijkstra's Algorithm
Lecture 31 - Sending Email
Lecture 32 - SSSP and Modified Dijkstra
Lecture 33 - SSSP with Negative Cycles - Bellman-Ford
Lecture 34 - Wormholes
Lecture 35 - APSP and Floyd-Warshall
Lecture 36 - Page Hopping
Lecture 37 - Introduction to MSTs
Lecture 38 - Prim's Algorithm
Lecture 39 - Kruskal's Algorithm
Lecture 40 - Cherries Mesh
Lecture 41 - Heirarchy
Lecture 42 - Island Hopping
Lecture 43 - Introduction to MaxFlow
Lecture 44 - Ford-Fulkerson for MaxFlow
Lecture 45 - Implementing Edmonds-Karp
Lecture 46 - Maximum Matching via MaxFlow
Lecture 47 - Sport Elimination via MaxFlow
Lecture 48 - Maxflow-Mincut Duality
Lecture 49 - Police Chase
Lecture 50 - Sam I AM and Vertex Covers
Lecture 51 - Top-Down Dynamic Programming with Frog 1 - Part A
Lecture 52 - Top-Down Dynamic Programming with Frog 1 - Part B
Lecture 53 - Bottom-Up Dynamic Programming with Dice Combinations
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Getting Started with Competitive Programming
Lecture 27 - Cover It!
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