Lecture 1 - Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Lecture 2 - CSP Examples: Map colouring, N-Queens, Classroom scheduling
Lecture 3 - CSP Examples: Huffman-Clowes Labelling, Waltz Algorithm, Crosswords
Lecture 4 - Model Based Diagnosis - An application of CSP
Lecture 5 - Constraint Networks - An Introduction
Lecture 6 - Binary Constraint Networks (BCN), Equivalent Networks
Lecture 7 - Projection Networks
Lecture 8 - Constraint Propagation
Lecture 9 - Algorithms AC1 and AC3
Lecture 10 - Can we do better than AC3?
Lecture 11 - Algorithm AC4
Lecture 12 - Generalized AC, Path-Consistency
Lecture 13 - i-Consistency, Algorithm PC1
Lecture 14 - Algorithm PC2, Strong i-Consistency
Lecture 15 - Directional Consistency and Graph Ordering
Lecture 16 - Min-Width and Min-Induced-Width Ordering
Lecture 17 - Directional Arc-Consistency and Tree CSPs
Lecture 18 - Directional Path-Consistency and Directional i-Consistency
Lecture 19 - Backtrack-Free search and Adaptive Consistency
Lecture 20 - Adaptive Consistency: Bucket Elimination
Lecture 21 - Search Methods for Solving CSPs
Lecture 22 - Algorithm Backtracking
Lecture 23 - Look-Ahead Methods in Search
Lecture 24 - Look-Ahead Search: Examples
Lecture 25 - Combining Search with Reasoning: Algorithm DPLL
Lecture 26 - Algorithm Backmarking
Lecture 27 - Dynamic Value Ordering, Dynamic Variable Ordering
Lecture 28 - Look-Back Methods - Definitions
Lecture 29 - Gaschnigs Backjumping: The Culprit Variable
Lecture 30 - Gaschnigs Backjumping, Graph-Based Backjumping
Lecture 31 - Graph-Based Backjumping: Internal and Relevant Dead-Ends
Lecture 32 - Conflict-Directed Backjumping: Definitions
Lecture 33 - Algorithm Conflict-Directed Backjumping
Lecture 34 - Combining Look-Ahead and Look-Back: FC-CBJ
Lecture 35 - Learning During Search
Lecture 36 - Model Based Systems
Lecture 37 - Model Based Diagnosis
Lecture 38 - Truth Maintenance Systems
Lecture 39 - Planning as Constraint Satisfaction
Lecture 40 - Planning as Constraint Satisfaction (Continued...)
Lecture 41 - Planning as Satisfiability
Lecture 42 - Wrapping Up and Further Study
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:AI:Constraint Satisfaction
Lecture 19 - Backtrack-Free search and Adaptive Consistency
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