Lecture 1 - Introduction
Lecture 2 - Basics of Tast scheduling
Lecture 3 - Cyclic executives
Lecture 4 - Cyclic Scheduler
Lecture 5 - Cyclic Scheduler
Lecture 6 - Exercises on Frame size Selectoin
Lecture 7 - Event-driven schedulers
Lecture 8 - Rate Monotonic Algorithm
Lecture 9 - RMA Task Schedulability
Lecture 10 - Rate Monotonic Analysis
Lecture 11 - RMA Generalizations
Lecture 12 - Further RMA Generalizations
Lecture 13 - Resource Sharing among Real-Time Tasks
Lecture 14 - Solution to Priority Inversion Problem
Lecture 15 - Highest Locker Protocol
Lecture 16 - Priority Ceiling Protocol
Lecture 17 - PCP Priority Inversions
Lecture 18 - Analysis of PCP priority inversions
Lecture 19 - Some basic issues in Real-Time Operating Systems
Lecture 20 - Unix as a Real-Time operating System
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Real Time Operating System
Lecture 14 - Solution to Priority Inversion Problem
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