Lecture 1 - Introduction to Cloud Computing
Lecture 2 - Virtualization
Lecture 3 - Hotspot Mitigation for Virtual Machine Migration
Lecture 4 - Server Virtualization
Lecture 5 - Software Defined Network
Lecture 6 - Geo-distributed Cloud Data Centers
Lecture 7 - Leader Election in Rings (Classical Distributed Algorithms)
Lecture 8 - Leader Election (Ring LE and Bully LE Algorithm)
Lecture 9 - Design of Zookeeper
Lecture 10 - Time and Clock Synchronization in Cloud Data Centers
Lecture 11 - Global State and Snapshot Recording Algorithms
Lecture 12 - Distributed Mutual Exclusion
Lecture 13 - Consensus in Cloud Computing and Paxos
Lecture 14 - Byzantine Agreement
Lecture 15 - Failures and Recovery Approaches in Distributed Systems
Lecture 16 - Design of Key-Value Stores
Lecture 17 - Design of HBase
Lecture 18 - Peer to Peer Systems in Cloud Computing
Lecture 19 - MapReduce
Lecture 20 - Introduction to Spark
Lecture 21 - Introduction to Kafka
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems
Lecture 14 - Byzantine Agreement
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