Lecture 1 - Introduction to Groundwater Hydrology - 1
Lecture 2 - Introduction to Groundwater Hydrology - 2
Lecture 3 - Why to study groundwater
Lecture 4 - Hydrological Cycle - 1
Lecture 5 - Hydrological Cycle - 2
Lecture 6 - Surface water vs groundwater
Lecture 7 - Water Balance and its Components
Lecture 8 - Types of aquifers - 1
Lecture 9 - Types of aquifers - 2
Lecture 10 - Infiltration and Percolation
Lecture 11 - Porosity
Lecture 12 - Permeability
Lecture 13 - Surface Runoff
Lecture 14 - Darcy's Law - 1
Lecture 15 - Darcy's Law - 2
Lecture 16 - Darcy's Law - 3
Lecture 17 - Reynolds Number
Lecture 18 - Groundwater Flow and Flow Nets
Lecture 19 - Darcy's law applied to aquifers
Lecture 20 - Flow to a well
Lecture 21 - Transmissibility
Lecture 22 - Speed of Groundwater Movement
Lecture 23 - Drawdowns in the vicinity of discharging wells
Lecture 24 - Aquifer Boundaries
Lecture 25 - Flow nets near aquifer boundaries
Lecture 26 - Nonsteady state steady shape and steady shape conditions
Lecture 27 - Jacob Method
Lecture 28 - Field determination of transmissibility and storage coefficient - 1
Lecture 29 - Field determination of transmissibility and storage coefficient - 2
Lecture 30 - Theis Equation and example of superposition for solution
Lecture 31 - Theis Equation Theis Equation Assumptions and Applications - 1
Lecture 32 - Theis Equation Theis Equation Assumptions and Applications - 2
Lecture 33 - Geologic Formations as Aquifers - 1
Lecture 34 - Geologic Formations as Aquifers - 2
Lecture 35 - Geologic Formations as Aquifers - 3
Lecture 36 - Springs
Lecture 37 - Springs in India - 1
Lecture 38 - Springs in India - 2
Lecture 39 - Groundwater Exploration - 1
Lecture 40 - Groundwater Exploration - 2
Lecture 41 - Groundwater Exploration - 3
Lecture 42 - Groundwater Exploration - 4
Lecture 43 - Groundwater Exploration - 5
Lecture 44 - Groundwater Exploration - 6
Lecture 45 - Groundwater Exploration - 7
Lecture 46 - Groundwater Exploration - 8
Lecture 47 - Groundwater Exploration - 9
Lecture 48 - Groundwater Exploration - 10
Lecture 49 - Groundwater Exploration - 11
Lecture 50 - Groundwater Exploration - 12
Lecture 51 - Groundwater Exploration - 13 : Sampling
Lecture 52 - Groundwater Exploration - 14 : Hydrogeological Well Logging
Lecture 53 - Groundwater Exploration - 15 : Spontaneous potential logging
Lecture 54 - Groundwater Exploration - 16 : Selection of types of wells and Exploration for Art-Rec sites
Lecture 55 - Groundwater Exploration - 17 : Exploration for hot springs
Lecture 56 - Groundwater Exploration - 18 : Pollution related exploration
Lecture 57 - Groundwater Quality
Lecture 58 - Conjunctive use of ground and surface water
Lecture 59 - Groundwater Modelling - 1
Lecture 60 - Groundwater Modelling - 2
Lecture 61 - Groundwater Recharge Methods in India
Lecture 62 - Artificial Recharge Techniques and Designs
NPTEL Video Course : NOC:Groundwater Engineering
Lecture 36 - Springs
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